A Prayer To Benefit All Beings

Download the Prayer to Be Reborn in Dewachen

Prayer to Be Reborn in Dewachen

With a longing to benefit beings who are sick and dying, Jetsunma created a song called “Prayer to Be Reborn in Dewachen.” This is a traditional prayer to Amitabha, the Buddha of Limitless Light, from the P’howa practice of the Longchen Nyigthig tradition. P’howa is the meditation practice for the time of death, and Amitabha is the deity to be visualized in that meditation.  “Dewachen” refers to the state of consciousness in which one experiences a pure land and the opportunity to accomplish liberation.

Jetsunma said,  “When I listened to this tune, I realized that it was like a mother singing her child to sleep, which really was my motivation when I sang that song.  I know that everyone that I love, I will be parted from someday.  Everyone that I meet will die some day.  I wish there was some way that they could be guided through the bardo individually.  And the best response that I know of is this prayer.”

Any being who listens to this prayer receives a blessing, whether Buddhist or non Buddhist, human or animal.  It is especially soothing for those who are chronically or acutely ill, or who are on the precipice of dying.  You can help beings by making this prayer heard by as many people and as many animals close to their death as possible.  It is available here:  Prayer to Be Reborn in Dewachen

Anniversary of Invocation


Invocation mp3 Download

Lord Guru

Teach me to see your face


Teach me to call your name

Come Come Come Come

Appear in Nirmanakaya form

Make your holy face


Be known to us now

Do not leave us comfortless

Do not abandon your vow

Bring us your nectar

For we thirst

We Thirst!

And we cry to you

Stainless, precious one

Without your blessing

We are helpless

Do not refuse

This voice

I offer my body, speech and mind

Take this body to enhance yor


Make of this speech a perfect


And in my mind you are


Upon the lotus in my heart

Use me

Use me

Use me

For the sake of all beings

That they might be free

Ah la la ho

Ah la la ho

Ah la la ho

For their sake

My children

© Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo, April 2, 1992

The Four Thoughts

Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo practicing at Maratika Cave in Nepal, where Mandarava practiced with Guru Padmasambhava

The following is an excerpt from The Lives and Liberation of Princess Mandarava:

“Alas! O mother of great kindness! This mind has taken rebirth in this form of aggregates and elements! Today I ventured up to the palace roof and saw for the first time the suffering of the negative karma that is endured in this world. The suffering of birth, old age, sickness, and death is unavoidable! Alas! I can no longer bear the thought of it! Women in samsara are tied down, imprisoned, with no means to end their karma. It is like the relentless pounding of waves. All who are born in existence must experience such suffering as though they were a group of heartless fools! Now that I know such suffering exists, I cannot remain idle. However examined, samsara is something to seek liberation from. One cannot avoid the process of growing old. There is no way to prolong youth or prevent decrepitude. We are like grounded birds, unable to fly. We must struggle along like cripples, our limbs helplessly retracted. This suffering, however examined, is inescapable! “Now I must find the path to freedom. By the power of previous karma, the pain of illness, like being pierced a hundred times by a sword, must be endured. Without believing in the reality of karmic cause and effect, one will continue to think that obstacles and suffering are imposed by some external force. I must free all beings from this deluded misconception! We who are born in this world must, with each passing day, month, and year, experience the exhaustion of our lives. No one is capable of postponing the miseries of death when its time arrives. Even though one is surrounded by relatives and dear friends, one must enter the narrow passageway of death alone when life is snatched away, like a candle flame that flickers and dies, like a strand of hair pulled out of butter. Even parents, relatives and friends cannot grant refuge or protection from our solitary journey down the narrow paths of the bardo. Until karma is exhausted, all the suffering that must be endured is beyond comprehension. When death arrives, it is far too late to feel remorse. Our remorse and regret must then be laid bare before the Lord of Death50 himself. I wonder when this unavoidable event will happen to me? I cannot help but weep uncontrollably at the futility of our condition. As we fail to appreciate this opportunity, life passes by like a burst of wind. I shall ponder this until I cannot even stay at rest in my own bed due to the intensity of my fear and anticipation. Now my only thought is to go as quickly as possible to where I can practice the sacred Dharma. O parents of great kindness, please grant me your permission!”

The Lives and Liberation of Princess Mandarava: The Indian Consort of Padmasambhava (p. 91). Wisdom Publications.

A Prayer For Everyone: Prayer To Be Reborn In Dewachen Video

Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo composed the following song to offer blessings and comfort to all who are sick or facing death, animals as well as humans, all beings. This video has been created so the prayer can be easily shared.

“If you want to give something for Christmas, give them this music. Even if they’re not dying. But especially if they are close to the end. It’s free. Nothing to worry about. No one is taking you for a ride. It’s just love.”

The video features the prayer followed by a short teaching from Jetsunma on how it can be used. 

The Prayer To Be Reborn In Dewachen is a traditional Buddhist prayer to prepare for the time of death.

Prayer for Covid

Eh ma ho
Eh ma ho
Eh ma ho
Please dedicate every bit of merit, every speck, to the Covid disease. The demon that is moving across our world.
Eh ma ho!
May the demon Covid Be Removed
May strength and valor come to all of us.
Eh Ma Ho

May lady Liberty be honored by this place she loves.

Spread The Word

Lady Liberty at KPC

The following is an invitation from Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

We have invited the Colossus Of New York here to celebrate our diversity, everyone is welcome here. 

Please visit. I know you can’t come in but please come by. She is 15.5 feet tall – you don’t even have to get out of your car. She is wondrous to me. It’s almost like you can hear her breath!

Stay Lady, stay! Please protect us! 
you can find more information at www.tara.org

The Red Road:Living In Harmony With The Earth

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo originally published in 2011:

Hello to all! Have any of you noticed I talk about the movie Avatar sometimes? I’ve watched it in director’s cut (wow!) Prolly 15 times. This movie, about the planet and people of a fictional (?) Planet named Pandora. The people are “indigenous humanoids” called the “Na’vi” and are truly breathtaking in their appearance and their ways. Their planet is lush and green. Their water is pristine. Their culture is noble.

Their goddess is Eywa, “Great Mother.” They make ceremony to become non-dual with her at maturity. They depend on Her for all and since the planet is virginal and healthy She delivers. Our Earth must have been that healthy before we began living out of harmony with her. Hurting torturing and raping Her. Our Earth is quite ill. We hurt our Mother and her children mindlessly. How do we expect the Earth to provide?

The Na’vi people have a beautiful prayer at the time of hunting, and a human death. I can’t say it perfectly but it is like this, for hunt – I cry every time I hear it. “I see you, my brother and I thank you for your life. Now your body will feed and become part of the Na’vi. Your spirit will return to and be one with Eywa. Ah HO. During the feast the animal is cherished, and known. How achingly beautiful, please try to see this movie and take it to heart. It shows us what we do as disconnected humans and where we went off.

Hopi teach there are two paths, basically. One is the “White Path,” where we left and do not know our Mother. We build machines to chew her up. We rip her flesh. Then there is the “Red Path” which never leaves the “way of connection.” The people live in harmony with Mother Earth’s way. We do not dominate her, we listen to her wisdom and live in harmony. It may be too late, as She has been poisoned. We would have to grow up and evolve out of the “I’m number one” idea into “we are life and this is our only planet” idea. We’d have to “see” each other truly. When the Na’vi meet each other they say with a gesture of touching head and heart and saying “I see you.” And it means really see – who and what you are.

I’d give my life if only we could be natural again. Respect and love again. Heal our Mother. I’d give it in a “New York” minute. I am currently trying to restore steep land, clear cut. It is already registered as sanctuary, and I want to give the wild beings their space back. Restore the natural land to food and shelter. This is my deep prayer:


Mother Goddess Earth, holy mother Tara, grant the blessing that I may have help and strength to provide for your babies, and grant blessings that I may give this little broken place back to you, whole and healed. KYE HO!

Hear this cry and accept these tears from a Dakini who is your daughter, your servant and your lover. May you recover, and may those who see “The Way” join hands as one people. Let us pay it forward. Eh Ma Ho!


PS. Once I was led to Hopi land and found prophesy rock. Behind it climbing down, I saw a place of offerings. I made an offering, then found a perfect green valley, so lush in the desert. I saw light beings there. Working the Earth. Water. I never found it again, though I looked.

When I met with Hopi Elders, Grandfather David was still alive. I told the Grandfathers and Mothers what I’d found. Grandfather David said only people of pure intention could ever find these places. He then said “you are welcome to go to any place in Hopi land you wish.” Then a beautiful Grandmother jumped up and rattled as she spoke to me. “You must never abandon the Red Road!” With deep eyes and blazing heart. I see you, my Mother!

May I never disappoint you, and all beings!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


Who Is Amitabha?

The following was a short instruction given spontaneously by Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo to a six year old student:

I love Amitabha so much. Do you? His qualities are amazing. When people are dying, he blesses them. When people are alive, he cares for them. He is like Guru Rinpoche in many ways. But more sublime in some ways. I can’t decide which is more sublime. But it doesn’t matter. They are the same.

Compassion Stops the Suffering

The following is a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo offered at Kunzang Palyul Choling in Maryland:

Jetsunma takes us to a deeper understanding of the interdependence of the practices of Refuge and Bodhicitta. Leading us through the mental equations that will result in the cessation of suffering, she points out, “The cessation of suffering does not come about when everything external gets alright.” The answer to the question, “How in the world am I going to fix this?” is: you’re not…in the world. We have to move beyond the realm of cyclic existence to get the answer. In a less than perfect world we decide to reach for something perfect that we can’t see yet. Only then can we bring comfort to others.

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