The Importance of Following an Accomplished Teacher

His Holiness Karma Kuchen Rinpoche
His Holiness Karma Kuchen Rinpoche

The lucky one is (s)he who has spiritual discrimination. A clear sign that one has made progress on the path. There’s so much empty jargon.  Many people pass around their learned and personal wisdom, which indeed, is precious and to be respected. It’s progress!  Spiritual discrimination is seeing the difference between that communal sharing and an accomplished and qualified Guru to follow.  The entire spiritual community is strong, and growing, yearning, expressing, sharing, and loving! Hurray! Yet we must find a true Master.

I see the Lamas of Palyul, for instance. Taught and trained, profound and accomplished Lineage Masters, only here to enlighten us. These great Lamas live and die to liberate sentient beings from the sufferings of Samsara, return life after life for that alone.  That is something different from the great ocean of seekers, thinkers, poets, philosophers that we meet online and in life.

In Vajrayana we hear: “Why cross the ocean of suffering in a ship captained by one who has not yet themselves made the journey?”  Or “Why invest in a belief that has not produced even one fully Enlightened Buddha?”  Or “why travel a path not yet even one century old, and one cannot see the result?” If a man creates his own path, should YOU follow?  If we do not know the value of their path, not having seen the result, why go there? Why cross in a ship untested? Maybe it is flawed!  So we are advised to practice method and follow Lineage tested and proven over centuries and traceable lifetimes.

I read a claim by a man that he had changed Yoga to make a way to get enlightened immediately. The man looked middle age. Big ego. It is so much better to share one’s insights freely, love each other, learn from each other, but discriminate on path and guru. Or else we just have a bunch of well meaning sweeties walking around in spiritual circles, blind leading blind. It is kinda silly, especially when there are Buddhas and Bodhisattvas taking rebirth consciously, solely for the sake of all beings. That’s cosmic Love!

Not just talking heads, yada yada. A Guru must provide method to attain, or what good are they? You can’t talk your way to Liberation!  Sweet, loving, syrupy, flattering words are wonderful to see and taste. But are not the food of the Sublime Awakening!

If a “teacher” butters you up with flattery, pretty words, crazy promises, or says their blessing ALONE will Liberate-RUN! They are politicians!  They flatter and cajole for their own egocentric reasons. You will yourself receive no benefit at all. Except for a swollen puffed up ego.

The path of results, of Liberation requires daily effort, practice, mindfulness, and compassion, constantly developing! A living path!  A true path, like Vajrayana requires that you CHANGE. Utterly, completely- as we are awakening to Buddhahood. Old ways are abandoned. That old ego’s gotta go to make real progress! It ain’t for sissies. If one has been spiritual for 20 years and remains the same, there is no benefit.

Are you willing to change? Learn something new? Take a giant step that may -WILL rock your world? That is the student I value most.  We cannot remain the same, in our comfort zone, no new intake, same old spiritual mumblings and hope to attain Buddhahood.

If you were my own sweet babe in my arms, I would not teach you different. There is a lot to buy and sell, but nourishment is RARE!  Your true nature is the fundamental ground, Primordial Luminosity. You are Buddha! Do not throw yourself away! Awaken! AWAKEN to your Nature!  Lord Buddha said as He left this world: “I have given you METHOD! Now work out your own Liberation!” And that is exactly how it is.

Gyaltrul Rinpoche, Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo and His Holiness Penor Rinpoche
Gyaltrul Rinpoche, Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo and His Holiness Penor Rinpoche

Discernment and the Spiritual Friend

Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo at KPC Maryland
Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo at KPC Maryland

From a series of tweets:

So many Spiritual teachers today are deeply invested in being a teacher solely out of ego, are only giving and loving when adored.

How sad, like the blind leading the blind over a cliff. If a teacher puts someone down because the person will not follow- watch out.

There you have a demon in disguise, and locked into defending their own ego. What has such a teacher to offer? Nothing. Ego.

Yet we see this all the time. If a teacher has doubts about those that do not automatically fall under their spell they R as dust.

In fact, if a teacher is not completely impartial, where is their realization? Should I have less loving concern for one who will not follow?

That kind of teacher can be bought and paid for and are of absolutely no use. They sell Dharma for power + approval, are addicts themselves.

Wisdom and compassion cannot be bought, faked, created, rented, copied. Only when ego is destroyed is there progress.

Wisdom and compassion are naturally occurring when ego is pacified. Ego is a contrivance, and must be dismantled brick by brick.

Therefore if a teacher is flattering and pumping your ego up, they are buying it, and you. Like a slave you are sold into bondage.

As the ego is puffed up larger and larger, neurosis, fear, hatred greed and ignorance rise up and overcome.  Spirit sickens, dies.

If some “teacher” is buying you with praise and flattery, it will certainly be taken back when you do not agree completely.

Likewise, if a teacher will reflect bad qualities back so they may be purified, is willing to go toe to toe, can then still LOVE,

You can comfortably and with confidence call that one GURU. If they have credentials and compassion, you are truly home.

If you were my own babe at breast, I would not tell you differently, and would always offer the milk of Bodhicitta!

Guru Rinpoche & the Inner Work of Vajrayana


In Dharma, one of the most important jobs we have is to fight and pacify our inner poisons. They are our inner demons, and that is the work.  At the same time we must enrich and grow our virtue, our good qualities. This is a mirror to the way Guru Padmasambhava entered Tibet.

When Guru entered Tibet he was met with Demons and local demi-gods. The Bon religion existed there and these demons were associated.  Guru Rinpoche defeated all of them with debate and miraculous powers, including flying above them. He won over some demons and made them holy protectors. Those unwilling to be oath bound were destroyed.

Then Guru Padmasambhava could enter Tibet. There he gathered translators and worked.  Guru Rinpoche translated Dharma from Sanskrit to Tibetan. Due to His power, purity and virtue Tibet became a great land of Dharma.

We must do the same thing in our own minds. Conquer our own demons and make the way for Dharma to take root. Then move forward and develop.

So Dharma is not a bland tutti-frutti faith and path. Vajrayana is meant to change one’s habits, non-virtues, so it is powerful. It can cut!

Vajrayana is potent, and should not be mixed with anything else. It cannot be changed or it loses its potency. And I can tell you it is not for the weak. It requires self-honesty and pure intention. It requires us to abandon the mentality of materialism and ordinary view.

Self-honesty can be brutal. Ask ANY recovering alcoholic. We are all addicts to samsara. We like the hit, the buzz, all of it.  So there is real inner work to be done. Can’t just sit and contrive “blissing out”- anyone can do that. The idea is this IS relative reality.

We ARE experiencing old age, sickness and death. So there MUST be a remedy SO POWERFUL to awaken us to Buddhahood! It ain’t Kansas anymore.

Spiritually we must break lifetimes of habit and confusion! That takes work, a dedicated life.  That is why Guru Padmasambava said Vajrayana is the right way for THIS time called Kaliyuga, the time of degeneration. And Enlightenment is more easily gained. As samsara is thick, so is the door of Liberation more firmly opened to those who work it.

This is the essence of THIS method. If you were my very own babe I would not, could not tell you different. This is the wisdom and clarity of the great Bodhicitta, the milk of awakening. From the very heart of Dharma, the Precious Guru, it is offered to you.


Advice for the Vajrayana Practitioner


When following the path of Vajrayana, there are steps one must take just as they are. They are the technology, or method.

Method must be accomplished as taught in each Lineage. If you mix it up, or combine with other methods there will be no result.

Some people sample Buddhism and mix it up with Hinduism, New Ageism, shamanism, etc. all are fine but Vajrayana should NEVER be mixed.

Vajrayana Masters say this constantly. If mixed with other views purity and potency are watered down, so no benefit. Samaya is ruined.

Practitioners are constantly warned to follow step by step until true realization. If one simply dabbles, Vajrayana is not for you.

Each step is practiced until accomplished for the benefit of sentient beings- it is said one is of benefit when enlightened.

Many people through ordinary human kindness can be helpful; but not like a Buddha, Supreme Guide.

Until one reaches tenth Bhumi level, one can still fall to the lower realms, revolving in confusion and lost in delusion, how sad.

To say Enlightenment is not possible, or is irrelevant is false Dharma. Even if one means well, this is spiraling downward.

Please abandon such wrong view and wrong activity, you are harming others! This is not kind. Not what Buddha taught.

Guru Rinpoche the peerless Vajra Master taught like this; that with intense practice one can attain realization in this life. EMAHO!

NEVER abandon that promise made by Guru Padmasambava at the very cost of your life! It is the great hope of humankind.

These are the sacred unalterable truths of Dharma, of Tantric Buddhism, and if polluted, are polluted for all

This is why Lineage is essential; to hold and confer the Dharma in pure succession, untainted, from a pure Lineage Master!

Following the path of Vajrayana purely, one will never be duped, or confused, the way is as straight as an arrow!

May pure Dharma, even in these dark times always be available to the sea of beings as vast as the sky! May we never abandon Bodhicitta!

Refuge and Bodhisattva Vows



I take refuge in the Lama.

I take refuge in the Buddha.

I take refuge in the Dharma.

I take refuge in the Sangha.

The Bodhisattva Vow

I dedicate myself to the liberation and salvation of all sentient beings.  I offer my body, speech, and mind in order to accomplish the purpose of all sentient beings.  I will return in whatever form necessary, under extraordinary circumstances to end suffering.  Let me be born in times unpredictable, in places unknown, until all sentient beings are liberated from the cycle of death and rebirth.

Taking no thought for my comfort or safety, precious Lama (Buddha), make of me a pure and perfect instrument by which the end of suffering and death in all forms might be realized.  Let me achieve perfect enlightenment for the sake of all beings.  And then by my hand and heart alone, may all beings achieve full enlightenment and perfect liberation.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Sang Wisdom


Sang Wisdom to the Fire, “Warm me.” And he replied, “Breathe, Beloved,” for he knew her breath was fire too. So she did, and the cycle was complete.

Cried Wisdom to the fire, “Carry me.”  And he replied, “Sing, Beloved!”  For he knew that the sound of ecstasy was a song he had heard and never forgotten, once, and very soon again.  So she did. And the nectar of love filled the worlds.

Called Wisdom to the fire, “I cannot see you! Come to me!” And he replied, “Close your eyes, Beloved,” for he knew that Wisdom is innocent of time and space. So she did, and she remembered.

Thus the magical empowerment of the Divine Consorts was born again, and filled the worlds.

The sweetness tasted again of what has always been- ONE.

Written by JAL Nov 1996

May blessings prevail!

Willingness to Change

Jetsunma at KPC
Jetsunma at KPC

I love people of #FAITH who commit to compassion,tolerance,wisdom, making the world better. People who jerk others around w/their ego? Nah.

I would not want to just take up space, and contribute nothing to the world community.

If I see simple kindness in a human heart I will joyfully accept that one as a student. As a friend and ally.

If I see a gossip, or someone who causes division in the spiritual community I will work to correct it. I believe in love

If I see a student of moderate accomplishment but has come a long way, they are a jewel to me.

If I see a student with tremendous potential but making no progress on the path I am saddened. I cannot help.

Many of my students have made much progress in this very life and have worked hard. I am so proud and joyful!

Then some find the path and lose it. Some spiral down quickly by abandoning the Guru and following confusion. How sad.

In Vajrayana it is possible to repair broken vows. It requires courage and effort. The ball is ALWAYS in your court.

May those having lost their way always find the Supreme Nirmanakaya! May dullness and fever fall away, clarity return!

May all sentient beings be Liberated in this very lifetime! OM AH HUNG BENZAR GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG!

Aspirational Prayer

Feeding Birds in Dakini Valley
Feeding Birds in Dakini Valley

Aspirational Prayer shared 12/2/09 via Twitter

I am thinking of so many, having lost their homes this year. And with children. With the holidays upon us- how painful! How to help?

As funding and housing and money dry up- where will the homeless go? How will they feel blessed this year? What can we do in our community?

The greatest gift now is to give rise to compassion in one’s mind. And then put it to work helping others. #Gifting#Service-these are ways
I cannot be happy without helping others, we are not separate. I will always return for the liberation of ALL sentient beings.

May I be the last to obtain Supreme Liberation so I can aid all beings. May I see the bliss if their Liberation with my own eyes!

May I not become bored or weary of helping others, and be reborn to teach the Supreme Doctrine! I will move gently with respect and love.

May I be born as whatever is needed! As a cool stream, wholesome food, shelter and warmth, a soft pillow to rest the weary. Sun upon your face!

May I never abandon my sacred vows- not even for an instant. May Blessings and Love pour from my heart like a great river, unstoppable!

May all beings be free! May there be an end to suffering! May all beings be free! And none left behind. Samsara emptied from the depths!

Meditating Feet


I’ve been a little off lately-
Voices from the past
A tender dream I had that could not last
Better get my meditating feet on the ground.
Them old Blues is coming round.

Quiet my heart, don’t be misled.
Need to put this story straight to bed.
Do some contemplation in my head.
What’s done is done, and I done bled.

Beat the odds, and I survived
Now I need to feel the love inside.
See, what I get is what I provide
Loving freely really opens your eyes!

Still those Blues keep coming round.
Tiny little feet, great big sound.
Get those meditating feet on the ground
Stick with truth, who’s lost is  found

I know that’s true, and true don’t lie
Cling to happy and it makes you cry
Try to hold on, you moan and sigh
Just let go, and try to fly.
Don’t let those voices make you cry.

Copyright ©  Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Hallelujah and Amen

Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo teaching at KPC
Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo teaching at KPC

I demand the poetic! And decry the
And I never never ever want to see
The day
When the artist is forbidden to dance
and sway
And the Goddess is prevented from
having her say.
Yeah, I’m really gonna hate that day.
Really don’t wanna see the day.

This may be a song or maybe a poem-
But I just can’t leave this thought alone.
See I don’t wanna see my people sick
and fearful
Only makes our suffering so tearful. Hard
to heal
Hard to be the Hero. Being here with you
Is all I have.
See, I don’t wanna leave, don’t wanna let
you down.

Here’s the church and here’s the steeple
Inside and all around stand my people
This is no lie and it’s not just ego-
They’re mine to love, and mine to live
So here I’ll stay.

Maybe there will come a day when
All the people learn to pray and
We will turn our minds to Truth and Light
No one will ever doubt what’s right. No
never again.
And we can trust both enemies and.
Hallelujah and Amen.
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