Santa? Zat You

OK, so get this- I wake up from a nap to hear..reindeer on da roof? Santa? No! It’s Buddhists scraping my roof in sideways snow! #LOVE

Says I-“Hey! Buddhists! Whatcha doin on top my house?” Them: “it’s Knee deep on da roof! Gonna cave!” Me: “it’s a BlIZZARD! Ur on a roof!”

Buddhists on roof “you’re gonna be safe!!”. Me: “you’re gonna be DEAD! Didn’t yo Mama learn yus nuttin?” Them “Da Snow is heavy!”

So I sez, “YOU are heavy! Get down from there!!!!” “I don wanna do no Phowa today! GET DOWN!” Buddhists on roof say “5 minutes?”

So I sez “no 5 min! You go home now! You can’t be on this roof on no BLIZZARD! You don have no gud sense!!!”. So they are driving home.

So to end this story, please pray for these sweet devoted souls whom I LOVE but without the brains of a GOOSE!!! LMAO! I love you guys!

You Are

You are the Light of my life

The beat of my heart

The breath of my body

The song of my speech

The rapture of my mind I love you.

You are the core of my Samaya

The truth of my accomplishment

The nectar of my mind

The warrior of my method

The bearer of my LOVE

You are my blazing one

You are beloved Sun

You are a candle light

To warm me through the night

You are my feast, my Fire

You are my SHINING ONE

You make me come undone

You dance within my sight

You make me feel it right

You make me see your face

I see it when you move about

I’ll be your friend I’ll shout you out!

I’ll get you there

If you can go.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Root Teacher

From The Spiritual Path:  A Compilation of Teachings by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Perception, or revelation, varies according to the capability of one’s own mind. A mind dulled by obstacles and obscurations can go to a holy place, hear a holy teaching, even bow to a holy one—and walk away unaffected. The mind that is quickened and ready can come and drink, perhaps not understanding what it has drunk, but at least knowing that this is true nourishment. The mind that is truly realized can perceive that upon every atom there are Buddhas beyond counting; that one’s own Root Teacher is the Dharmakaya Buddha come at last; that Guru Rinpoche is the emanation of pure compassion who made all of this possible; and that He has entered, in many forms, into all levels of cyclic existence. Such a mind can understand that every sound is the voice of the Precious Guru, that every breath of air is the movement of His teachings.

Any revelation that purifies the mind of duality and delusion, bringing forth the nectar of compassion from deep within you is the Precious Guru appearing once again. Any path such as Vajrayana, which leads to enlightenment in a definable, reliable way—is itself the appearance of the Precious Guru. If you achieve realization in this lifetime, that is Guru Rinpoche. If you hear a teaching, which brings enlightenment closer, that is Guru Rinpoche. If compassion is born in your heart so that you will spend your life practicing and praying for others and discovering within yourself all-pervading compassion, that is Guru Rinpoche. He is the Guru of compassion, the Guru of boundless light, the Guru of great love, the Guru of supreme medicine. He is the voice, the body, the mind, the heart, and the very embodiment of the all-pervading, compassionate nature of Dharmakaya. He continues to appear in a form that is accessible and real in every culture. He simply is. He is present within you now. Even as you read this, you can feel His presence. You can see Him in every part of your life. Strive at every moment to birth Him in your mind and heart. Pray never to be separate from the Three Precious Jewels and always, in every breath of air, to encounter the Precious Guru.

If you sincerely wish to end suffering in this and all other worlds, sincerely wish to root out the causes of suffering in your own mind, the Guru is active within you. In that sincere wish, He is calling you. Because of that sincerity, you will see Him. You will see Him even physically, for you will surely find an excellent and perfect Teacher. As Guru Rinpoche said, “I will come as your Teacher.” If your heart is pure and sincere, the Guru will appear before you.

In Vajrayana, even if your teacher is not enlightened, you can attain realization through pure faith, provided you seek only that which will cleanse all non-virtue from your mind, which will reveal the true, uncontrived face of Dharmakaya as your own face, and if you deeply wish to end the suffering of all sentient beings. Then your Teacher, even unrealized, will act upon you as Nirmanakaya Buddha. If with pure intention you accomplish your part of the bargain, you will find that your teacher is in fact Nirmanakaya Buddha. Your job is only to keep your heart pure. If you do not practice, if you deceive yourself in your practice, if you do not practice sincerely, or if you practice for the wrong reasons, not only have you accomplished nothing but you are only fooling yourself, for you will never see that precious face.

What is available to you now is the realization of the Precious Guru. He is the medicine for all ills, the end of suffering. He appears on this earth by the virtue of primordial nature and uncontrived mind. His virtue and nature are such that they are constantly revealed. They are all-pervasive. That is the truth of the Precious Guru. He appears upon the earth time and time again, in whatever form the karma of beings requires. He is food and drink, available the moment you feel hunger and thirst. He brings you the path to supreme enlightenment. He abides in all aspects of that path: the Teacher, the Sangha, and the Dharma. You cannot cut Him out of your mind, but you can ignore Him. Yet even after that, the moment you turn around, He is there.

I hope that this is helpful to you. If it can inspire even a little devotion in your heart and mind, it is worthwhile. Great devotion is necessary on this path, but we are too stiff most of the time. Do you remember the story of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples? That was an act of devotion, the perfect act of a Bodhisattva. We should all serve each other. We should care for others more than we care for ourselves. Devotion is the softener of hearts. It causes pride to be purified. It washes away the stiffness that accompanies egocentricity. Pure devotion itself can be a cause for realization. We should all engage in such holy activity, embodying the Precious Guru. Then, washing the feet of all sentient beings, we will finally understand our own true face.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Walking the Talk

cardinal in winter

A red Cardinal sits on a snowy Pine bough, all fluffed up, right outside my window, looking in. Bet he’s cold. When I see nature in it beauty and suffering, I think of the Bodhicitta. How pith. How essential. There is no Enlightenment without it.

Often we see Dharma students discuss, pontificate, and indulge in masturbatory mental games. What a foolish waste of time. To give rise to Bodhicitta even if there is no knowledge of Sutras, Tantras, to offer one prayer, one crust of bread, one mantra is so precious…To save the life of or bring comfort to one sentient being is so much better than to love to hear yourself talk about Dharma.

When I see this Dharma-babble amongst those who do only that and have no heart for Bodhicitta, I feel sick and sad. How pitiful! We are taught “Like going to a continent of Precious Jewels and coming away empty handed. How pitiful!” They miss the point.

What benefit is there in a good old boy’s Dharma club where you sit around and compliment each other’s meaningfulness? A joke- And an unfortunate display of the shallowness of one’s practice. Everyone sees the shame of it except for the “fool on the hill” shouting. What ego, what pride, what ignorance drives one to distort the Dharma and its true value that way? Self cherishing, at the expense of others.

Give me one honest follower with a good heart, respect, compassion, and willingness to learn new and grow. I will do anything for that one. Show me a dried up bitter heart without Bodhicitta, and a rigid mind claiming to know Dharma- ‘scuse me while I laugh. And those who do more proclaiming their own glory in as many religious costumes as they can collect? What is the use?

When I’m not teaching I wear American clothes. Jeans. If my students cannot see me as Primordial Nature, well- there’s work to do. Dharma is unelaborated, uncontrived, free of conceptualization just as it is. Quit talking and judging and heal the heart. Thrill me.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Star Child


Bright, shining

Star child

Tripping, dancing

In the light

Who are you?

I am

The lover; the beloved.

The father and the child.

The voice and the song.

The kingdom is mine!

Playfully, joyfully fathered by

All that is

I am born

Into glory!

I am glory!

Born to soar,

I hold in my hand

The seed and the fruit of forever

What a joy to cherish

This moment.


To see in myself

The promise.

The song of love, sung

By me, for me.

Born in light

I am light;


Pure, perfect crystalline


Becoming, multiplying, forever.

I am bathed

In exquisite joy –


One with Infinity

Star child!

By Alyce Mulloy

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Using Twitter to Bring Love & Stop Hate


I am so happy to see #stop the hate moving with the speed of #LOVE and #LIGHT!  RT and keep it going!

Twitterverse is the perfect place for kindness and loving support! So #stop the hate!

Friends made in Twitterverse are true treasures. So much #LOVE is shared so #stop the hate!

When hateful people cause heartache cut them off or read them the news. #stop the hate!

When people rant with hateful views, invite them to change or shut up. And #stop the hate!

When you see Tweets filled with hate and slander, tell them you stand up for #LOVE and #stop the hate!

When Twitterverse is used for negativity and slander and meanness we ALL lose! So #stop the hate!

#Stop the hate. And #BRING THE LOVE!  We have the power, let’s use it!

Some people are ill, and live and breathe to hate. Show them a better way and #stop the hate!

Some people are chronic haters, and rage is all they know. You need not join them! #stop the hate! #BRING THE LOVE!

It is difficult to reform a hater. They are broken inside. But you are not, so #stop the hate! #BRING THE LOVE!

Will you foul your own nest? Excrete where you eat? #stop the hate! #BRING THE LOVE!

Did you ever think the people would have the power? Together we can #stop the hate! And #BRING THE LOVE!

Feed a starving world! Heal the people! Now is the time, here is the place! #BRING THE LOVE! And #stop the hate!

Let’s refuse to accept hate! And honor only love! Keep it going! #stop the hate! #BRING THE LOVE!

Let’s have a revolution of compassion! #stop the hate! #BRING THE LOVE! RT!

The Life, Death, and Liberation of Ani Palchen


Thank you one and all for having prayer and recitation with us. While we are grieving dear Ani’s loss, the comfort of your presence is strong.

We are greatly sorry to lose her. But hers was a noble life, with merit, Bodhicitta and unbroken Samaya. We honor her.

Venerable Ani Palchen was a woman of faith and virtue. She never had a mean word to say. She made people feel welcome and loved.

I loved her. We all did. Do. While our hearts are heavy we rejoice that her Sangha, her Lineage, her family, and her Guru were there.

Not all will die a noble, auspicious death free of suffering. Not all will instantly be reborn in Dewachen. Not all are so loved.

She will be cremated in full robes, adorned with incense and flowers. The pure smoke will please the Buddhas, as did she.

Many have failed their ordination. Have lost their path. Not Venerable Ani, who honored Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha as well as her Tsawei Lama.

Therefore she did not die an ordinary death, as promised. And now remains in the Pureland Dewachen.

We pray for her swift rebirth; that she find Dharma quickly in that life. And lead others to liberation. I myself will look for her.

Feeding Wildlife in the Winter

Bird Feeders
I thought I’d share some of my #wildlife endeavors. First a healthier suet recipe, guaranteed to help little birdies make it through cold.

Melt a jar of peanut butter and a tub of lard together, mix thoroughly, add rolled oats, cornmeal and birdseed until desired. Can add

Leftover nuts, cereals like Cheerios, a little sugar, and pack it into pound size tubs, freeze till hard. Unmold using hot water

And store blocks of suet in freezer. I offer it in a fly-thru feeder type. It will draw cold hungry ones from all around.

I also provide squirrel food blocks on the ground, sold in stores. They get corn and peanut butter too.

For the deer I provide planted forage, corn and apples. And fresh salt mineral blocks each season.

The best seeds for little birds in winter is Black Oil Sunflower seed, for the oil. For finches, Nyger seed.

If you can maintain an unfrozen water source, please do. Many birds die for lack of drinkable water in winter. I have a running stream.

Your larger birds, starlings, crows, etc will, oddly enough, eat small bite dog kibble, cheap brand w/GRAIN as main ingredient.

Isn’t good for your dog, they aren’t engineered for it. But larger birds are and they like the extra fat and protein in the winter.

My son made me the perfect bird feeder. He found an old disker or harrow, up-ended it and tied it to a tree. Viola! 6-level fly-thru feeder!

You can be creative with bird feeders and housing. I’ve been collecting and using all kinds of homemade stuff! Really fun.

Around here we have all kinds of oddball houses and feeders as well as bought stuff. Birds nest in almost anything with the right hole.

I hope you all enjoy helping the critters as much as I do. And there are many choices to help with. Love to hear some of your ideas!

Using Twitter as a Bonfire of Loving Kindness

1000 Armed Chenrezig
1000 Armed Chenrezig

The following is from a series of Tweets posted on Twitter:

Today, having made a shout out for prayer for my son, I was blessed to have so many pray and offer kind words.

It has really gotten me thinking what a glorious tool for good Twitter can be. For myself, I’ve had my eyes opened by this.

I have seen people use it for negativity and nastiness. Such a waste when the world community is so ready to love + support!

Or even just mindlessly for selfish purpose alone. But SO many are ready to jump right in and love. I reached out, U were there!

Just to see that made my heart soar! When I told my son Twitterverse was praying for him- he broke down and cried.

I wonder if we all realize how much prayer and kindness mean at times of need or suffering. So much. Even a RT for prayer IS prayer!

What a wonderful age this is and what an amazing gathering of good tweeple! I read so many who’s message is like nectar!

So sweet and nourishing! And I think how amazing, this bonding of little lights to make a bonfire of loving kindness.

Please join with me in this great flame, and let’s use this tool to benefit others and make this world a gentler place!

I don’t think we should accept meanness, hatred or hurtfulness here. I personally feel this tool is too good to waste.

Instead it can be used to facilitate the spiritual and emotional growth for this magnificent human Family and this jewel of a Planet!

I pledge to do my part, and I know so many of you will! And I say. “AMEN” to that! EMAHO!


Follow ahkonlhamo on Twitter

Condensed Amitaba Practice

Buddha Amitabha Downloadable Image
Buddha Amitaba Downloadable Image

I’d like to address the very newest Dharma practitioners, and offer the #METHOD I speak so often and so fondly of. All can benefit.

Many are interested in Buddhism, read and think about it, enjoy it’s thoughtfulness. But the main point of Dharma is accomplishment.

One can be a friend of Dharma, a supporter, collector, even a Guru junkie! But the point of Dharma is awakening, + method applied.

There are no quick and easy routes, no magic buttons, no gadgets, no tincture of this or that worth the money or effort. Dharma is free.

All you really need is a comfy cushion, a quiet sacred space, a Mala (prayer beads) an image relating to your practice really helps.

Most practice requires empowerment (Wang) breath transmission (Lung), and the Lama’s commentary. Therefore one needs a qualified Guru.

Fortunately, through compassion, certain Buddhas have made themselves more accessible in these times. One is Buddha Amitaba.

Amitaba vowed that anyone speaking His Mantra or even hearing it, He would liberate at death, thus accomplishing Dharma in one life.

Practicing Amitaba, then, is swift and extraordinary, can be done without wang or lung if the strong vow is made to seek these out asap.

As quickly as possible these tweets will be arranged usefully with an image of Amitaba for practice. Now, settle onto your cushion.

Allow the mind to simply relax and clear. Practice makes perfect, you will improve in time. The body is relaxed but the spine straight,

The legs should be crossed Indian style or Lotus style, but comfortable.


Instantly in the space in front-above arises Buddha Amitaba.

He is red in color, one face, 2 hands resting in His lap, palms up w/knuckles touching. This mudra symbolizes meditative equipoise.

He is holding a begging bowl and wearing robes of ordination, seated in Lotus Posture. He is surrounded with His retinue of Sublime ones.

As we are awed by His splendor we take refuge with body, speech, and mind.

Buddha Amitaba I take refuge in you in this and every life”  repeat 3 x

Then, thinking kindly of all sentient beings, recite:

For the sake of beings I give rise to the Bodhicitta so all may benefit” repeat 3 x

If you have a PURE Lama, consider that while the appearance is Amitaba, the essence is identical to one’s Root Guru. If not, get one.

Then hold the mala and recite Mantra, counting with beads. One full Mala is 108 reps.

The mantra; OM AMI DEWA HRI is repeated 108 times.

While reciting, one concentrates on compassion as motivation, the extraordinary qualities of Amitaba, the yearning for Liberation in one life.

So the mind should be filled with pure Devotion and wholesome yearning, and Kindness toward all beings, every one, animals, ALL.

After at least one full Mala of Mantra, recite:

I prostrate to Amitaba Buddha!”

May I be reborn in the pure realm of great bliss

Then Amitaba and his entourage dissolve into light, and pour into top of one’s head (crown). And mixes like milk and water with one’s mind.

“And may all sentient beings without exception be placed in that very state.”

That’s a VERY short condensed method, taken from Nam Cho.

The best thing to do is make a commitment to do this practice every day. It is in the commitment and the doing that benefits,

Along with the very sacred Mantra and the blessing it holds. Therein lays benefit and accomplishment. Samaya.

Some links you may find helpful:

How To Use a Mala

A List of Palyul Centers Around the World

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