How to Handle Crisis

From a series of tweets via @ahkonlhamo

This is a nightmare. Bella is critical. Beloved Tex is in endstage at hospice, and I’m flat out with a wrenched back. I hoped to see Tex and Marissa, but I can’t walk.

Trying to breathe, watching the mind process this. When there is so much sorrow and stress it is hard to see around, over or through phenomena.

Bella may not have long. Tex has two days or so. We are scrambling to pay large bills, and the hate I’ve had thrown at me, I must pull back, breathe. Relax mind.

Karma ripens much worse if mind’s upset. The root and display are not separate.  Rest the mind on AH, the point of arising and non-arising. Same. Nondual view.

Sometimes cause and result can be shifted, but not erased. We cannot be so compelled by appearance that we are powerless. We are primordial space.

For Tex, the karma is exhausted. For Bella, not so much, so prayer is essential. For Tex, he needs to be guided through the bardo. I prepare for that.

If I let myself stay in an emotional blender I will be no use. So I watch my mind, breathe for Bella, guide Tex to a good rebirth.  OM MANI PEDME HUNG

Today the skies do my crying, the wind does my sighing, yet even now gentle rains call forth new life from the very earth.


An excerpt from a teaching called How Buddhists Think by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

When you hear unfamiliar Buddhist ideas, don’t get tightly wrapped up and constipated about them.  You’ve been going in a different direction for lo, these many aeons.  Just relax, be okay.  You have that choice.  You can hear the teachings.  You can utilize them to the best of your ability.  On the other hand, don’t let yourself get away with thoughts that block you from utilizing the teachings.  Such thoughts will pop up for you.

You were brought up in a materialist society, and its imprint is on your mind.  You may therefore have a tendency to think: “Well, that idea doesn’t sound right to me” or “That sounds foreign to me.”  Don’t let yourself be stopped by tripping over your own brain.

When you embark on a spiritual path, you should expect to be challenged.  You should expect that because you are on a path that necessitates change.  Or else, you are choosing to remain as you are, an ordinary sentient being in cyclic existence, with all its pervasive suffering.

If you are considering the Buddhist Path, you are considering that which leads to Enlightenment.  If your goal is supreme Realization, if you want to be free of the suffering of cyclic existence, then change you must.  So get used to that word “change.”  It’s going to be your best friend––at times.  Allow yourself the fluidity and spaciousness you need.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

To download the complete teaching, clickhereand scroll down to How Buddhists Think

Speaking Of Love

A teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo (via @ahkonlhamo)

Why do I speak of LOVE? Because I AM in love! With the sublime Bodhicitta- the truest, purest life beyond life LOVE. Fill the earth! Love.

My daughter is not adopted, she is cherished and LOVED! My dogs are not rescued, they are gifts. They rescue ME. Our flock is no burden.  Our flock is a joy, a beauty, sentient beings that need love and teach us to FLY. We are filled with the JOY of helping others!

Happiness cannot be known by those who have no Bodhicitta in their hearts, no LOVE. May all be healed by sublime Love!!!

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Our Nature Is Love

A teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo (via @ahkonlhamo on Twitter)

The poison of HATE fouls the Beauty of LIFE.

The poison of HATE desecrates the pure nectar of Dharma.

The face of HATE is so ugly that it makes haters themselves UGLY.

The damage caused by HATE is equally damaging to the perpetrator as it is to the VICTIM!

The sickness of HATE only makes the Hater even SICKER.

To HATE is to murder one’s own heart and mind. Our nature is Bodhicitta…LOVE!

Hatred, greed, and ignorance are the three main root poisons. If hate isn’t destroyed in this human rebirth, then WHEN?

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Pure Offerings

That which arises from the Body, Speech and Mind of the Buddhas cannot be treated like ordinary possessions. They are extraordinary.

That which we ourselves have set aside to honor the Body, Speech, and Mind of the Buddhas cannot be used in ordinary ways.

That which has been honorably, nobly offered to the Buddhas cannot be taken back, including sacred vows and blessing offerings.

That which is honorably and properly consecrated according to one’s Lineage may not be un-consecrated at will. Not done properly? No problem.

We must finally discriminate between the ordinary and the sublime! When a gift is given to Tsawei Lama it must remain so to avoid lower realms

All I have accumulated, every drop of merit, commitment, property, land, all extraordinary and pleasing belongs to Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche!

Calling to His Holiness Penor Rinpoche

His Holiness Penor Rinpoche and Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo at KPC-MD

“As human beings who live for about 80yrs, we have been sleeping for about 40 of those years. Of the 40 years awake we spend most time on worldly activity where we accumulate the five poisons of the afflicted mind. There are very few who spend any time at all on Dharma Practice. Even if we spend 5 out of the 40 years on practice we still have not done a good practice. But whatever benefits we have in life and whatever positive things happen are all really based on that practice” From Kyabje His Holinesss Penor Rinpoche

When, I ask, will such a Lama as His Holiness Penor Rinpoche come again? Whose life given to purity, every word the nectar of Bodhicitta- when?  Tsawei Lama!

No one can substitute, no one else can speak to my heart, no one else opens my eyes, empowers my speech, matures my mind. Tsawei Lama-Return!

Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche is Buddha. Since his Parinirvana I feel even closer to him. Calling from afar, he answers, he is here he is BUDDHA!

Wow. I’m crying, deer are gathering in the field, a powerful storm is coming, and Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche appears, I am not alone. E ma ho.

Om Ah Hung Vajra Guru Pema Siddhi Hung!

Palyul Clear Light

Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso

The following is an excerpt of a teaching by Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso published in Palyul Clear Light

Afflictive emotions don’t arise anywhere but within yourself. The important practice is to not look outside at the external condition.  The moment anything becomes a condition for your afflictive emotions you have to look into your mind. Mostly our five senses are faced outward.  We think, “This person said this certain word and it affected me and THAT is why I’m angry.”  Our minds always try to blame.

So it is important to look into your own mind.  To watch your thoughts is the key point for your practice. If you really want Dharma, this is key.  But if you want to just have fun with Dharma then you don’t necessarily have to worry about it, you can just be angry. It’s fine unless you are really thinking, “How can I do real Dharma practice?”   Then truly you must work with your mind.  There are a few who work with mind.  For them the most important thing is to work with their minds and not fall into any afflictive emotions. When you have control over your mind, you don’t necessarily neeed to verbalize something negative. You can practice to govern your speech. This is the gift of mind.

Great thanks to Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso.  May His Holiness Penor Rinpoche return swiftly!

Tsawei Lama Kye Ho

From a Teaching by His Holiness Penor Rinpoche

All the practices and precepts of the dharma are really very vast, but what we really need is devotion and inclination toward practice, pure perception especially relating with the guru as the essence of all the buddhas, and generation of compassion and loving-kindness toward all sentient beings. These are the heart essence practices of the dharma.

If you don’t have devotion or faith, it is an obstruction for you to really enter the dharma. If you don’t have the pure perception of your lama as the essence of all the buddhas, you cannot do the supplications and it will be very difficult to introduce you to the true nature of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection. If you don’t have compassion and loving-kindness towards others like a mother for her only child, you do not have the very root of the dharma and you cannot achieve anything.

From the beginning, no one has accomplished anything without these, but those who think properly and carry through the practice in this way can get accomplished with everything.

If we don’t have devotion for the dharma, it does not really affect the dharma itself. It only affects us, such that we cannot get the benefit. It is through your devotion and inclination that you can have the benefit of purifying your obscurations and your karmas. And if you do not generate compassion for all sentient beings, that is the very opposite of dharma, so there is no way you can accomplish anything.

Also, the lama does not gain or lose anything by whether or not you pray with devotion to him as the essence of all the buddhas. But if you have very strong devotion and faith in the lama, then even if a lama is very ordinary you can receive the actual blessings through that.

For example, some of you might know the story of the relics born out of the dog’s tooth. It was not that the dog’s tooth had any special blessing, but rather that the old mother had been praying and supplicating to the tooth, and thinking that it really was the Buddha’s tooth. That is why it yielded such relics. This is why devotion or faith is so important. If you don’t have devotion, then even if the real Buddha appeared in front of you, you could not receive any blessing.

Please Pray for Tex Gabriel

Here is some awful news. Our beloved Tex Gabriel has Creutzfeldt-Jacob desise. Only 2wks-2mos to live. That’s human form of Mad Cow desease.

To never work with or hear Tex Gabriel play guitar again seems unbearable. That kind and gentle man just slipping away from us.

Tex reminds us that Life is too short. What a terrible thing to waste our lives on BS and hate. Let’s live love and life well, little time-

Please #Pray for Tex Gabriel, a light, an enormous talent, a great heart, not with us much longer. #stopthehate #bringthelove #feedthepoor

I wish for and pray that you all have every blessing. Health, happiness, love, prosperity, peace. #stopthehate #bringthelove #feedthepoor

from a series of Tweets

Letting Go of Hate

Why do people “like” to hate? What is the engine, the mechanism that drives hate? I think it is fear. Fear of loss; mostly fear of failure.

Most haters are terrified to let go of their rage. They think without it they will lose all: or cease to be. Could not be more wrong!

Letting go of hate is Liberating! One can actually regain emotional control and win their life back. There’s room for #love. #stopthehate

I cannot imagine hating and raging like that or why one would want to. They are already in hell: death will be hard. The hells open-

Even now the hells open. Because hate is hell on earth here and now. #stopthehate #bringthelove #feedthepoor #animalrescue.

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