Embracing Change for a Better World

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I wonder if it is the aspect between Jupiter opposite Saturn that is giving me the brain drain. I suspect it may be. It is a generational aspect, every 20 years. And it also seems there is a tug between old, crystallized ways and new, more radical ways.

I hope so. Maybe government and corporate people will show transparency for a change! I feel strongly that is the way to go. Old institutions and “old thinking” people definitely hold us in a zone, and feel entitled to do so. When I see something or someone who refuses to listen or change it boggles my mind and angers me too (sadly.) When new ideas and ways of thinking develop they should never be smashed down. And the new thinking folks should never be bullied or called names. We are free to speak and share ideas as new ideas are needed! The world has so many problems.

Bullies, tend to try to keep those around them unchanging, sheep-like and safely mum. So it turns out bullies are the weaker as their emotional lives are maintained by putting others down. That is weak. And cruel. Especially to those trying to learn, and formulate their own ideas. We must be encouraging, not suffocating new ideas by blowing them down. No one has the right to do that, corporations or governments as well. We have the right to evolve as thoughtful people. The world requires it. The times require it. The nuclear crisis in Japan is a prime example. To save face Japan will not tell us the truth, and we have the right to know. Similarly our own government, here in the USA, does the same. To what extent we may never know.

No, I am not a rabid conspiracy nut. But I see something is very wrong with this picture. We should have full disclosure, especially about those things which affect our health and our thinking. I hope this Jupiter (expanding) and Saturn (crystalizing, unchanging) duke it out (it is us of course) and we come up with new ways. Respect, tolerance, compassion, spiritual depth, open mindedness, these ways that lead us forward and do not support secretiveness and bullying, harmful domination of others, etc; may these things, having had their day, allow the rest of us to have ours!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Prayer Works:Pray for Japan and the Earth

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Asking all people to have faith in prayer and not feel hopeless. If everything, every effort in Japan is hopeless, even then prayer works!

Please don’t forget that, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, in their great compassion hear our cries. All faiths, call upon your faith and help. Each of us has our own beliefs. Doesn’t matter. Call on your faith to see us through. We all need each other to do the right thing for the earth.

Blessings and love to my brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers in Japan. Pray for Japan. Pray for the earth, for Libya. We are one people.



Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Today is the Day to Renew Prayers for Japan, the Earth and Humankind

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Today is the day to renew our commitment to pray for Japan, for the earth, for human kind. I feel the Japan nuclear situation is growing more dangerous every day, that Tepco and Japanese government are trying to save face by not admitting how bad it is, and how little they know about getting it to stop. When the reactors are cracked and leaking, it is catastrophic. So I ask my students and followers to pray, to go to the stupas and pray, recite mantra, etc. We must all, every faith, park the dogma and join in prayer round the globe as one family.

Prayer is amazingly powerful especially when many people pray together with pure intention to heal others, and the planet. And we may find ourselves relying exclusively on prayer as nothing else seems to be working. I beg Japan to reveal the exact situation so we the people can know what to do and what not to do. It is our right to know, as I’ve said – and who knows? We may actually figure something out for ourselves! I think of Dr. Michio Kaku, who feels the only thing to do is bury it all with concrete, gravel, antidotal chemicals, sand, more concrete as was done with Chernobyl. They cannot save the reactors- they are only poison now.

Jetsunma recommended the following prayers for Japan and for the earth:



Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

One World: Let the People Speak

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Today I have a down mood. Watching what is happening worldwide is hard to take. Japan hiding info we need, in the Middle East giving more than we can use. Everywhere there are terrible events and dramas.

One theme I see is secretiveness by those in power. Any info we get is from regular people. I sincerely hope our government is asking questions, someone has to. So I guess I am worrying a lot. Worry is useless unless it spurs one to action. As in praying, or offering some relief. I work at Prayer, but I wish I could stop the wars, leaking nukes etc. One person cannot manage very much. But governments and groups of people can. That is why it is so hard to hear about these issues. They are fixable, but we refuse to change ourselves, our views, and so then government will not change. Government is us. Even if we feel impotent, we are the people and government should be serving our interests. We have lost our way, governments now work for themselves and are therefore hard to trust. We aren’t getting news. We are getting propaganda from hierarchies who are in self- protection mode. We are playing games with our planet and the sentient beings who live here. This is wrong, unethical and immoral. Government is a good example, but not the only one. For business and institutions to keep secrets and do wrong without consequence is not acceptable.

We must speak out and demand information about everything that affects planet earth. Especially things like ecological disasters which eventually affect us all. We are world citizens and we have the right to know! Secrets lead to disaffected people, disempowered. So nothing changes and the people never get to speak. This does not work for planet earth and her people. We have ideas that should be allowed to see the light of day! We aren’t stupid, we actually think and create. And so we must think of a way through this habit. What are we thinking?! Let the people in! Let us speak!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Ghost Stories and Understanding Karma

From a series of tweets between Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo and two of her followers, Michelle9647 and Seedsdown:

Michelle asked Jetsunma about ghosts after sharing a video of a “ghostly image” she had seen online. She asked Jetsunma if she had ever had an encounter.

Jetsunma: Yes. Some seem to be repetitive emotional “bodies”. Others seem to be temporary thinning of other dimensional systems.

Seedsdown: Demons you mean? There are those too!

Jetsunma: There are demons. But they aren’t ghosts.

Michelle: Are some of the classes of demons subject to the thinning dimensional systems?

Jetsunma: Maybe, but I think hell-beings are there due to Karma. The heinous crimes especially – cause and effect. Not a god punishing us. If that doesn’t fly, think about this: do we have nightmares? They are our own emotions being worked through in a display. In that way at time of death all emotions, concepts appear outwardly, jumbled in time. If we are haters, that is one hellish appearance. If greedy, another hell. We are drawn to repeat our own habitual tendencies. Like draws like. So we are attracted to what we know in the Bardo. As many hell-dreams as there are “dreamers” to “dream” them. That is why it is so precious to awaken. As Buddha did.

Michelle: Just a thought. If mankind was to wake up one day and live a life of love and the karma is purified, what then happens to the demons?

Jetsunma: Very good question. It is very difficult to change habits in a hell realm, but it can be done, must be done. In the same way it is so difficult to let go of the addiction to samsara when living. Or to wake up from a dream. We must accumulate a storehouse of merit and virtue to draw from. It is like money in the bank, simply stated.

Was that clear enough for twitter? Any more questions?

Michelle: I’ve heard stories of great beings taming the demons. How is this done if merit is needed, because I do believe these stories to be true.

Jetsunma: Those stories are true. The merit of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas is so great it can transform all through Bodhicitta, thereby transforming the habit and non-virtue of hell beings. That is the power of many lifetimes living compassion and love. So don’t waste time.

Sometimes, demons (hell beings) can affect the world we know. They are powerful in their laser like focus on hate. Some remain in one habitual place, like a haunting. Some want to return to their old ways desperately. I once knew an alcoholic (raging!) and three pitiful demons possessed him, trying to get their mouths and noses where his were. They were trying to smell and drink the liquor he always stank of. So the poor gent’s craving was magnified three times! So disgusting to see!

Another time a little girl had cerebral palsy and I saw a bag like thing sucking from her lower brain. She had a mild case. When I removed it the doctors were amazed, said she had “grown out of it.” Easier to take I guess! It seemed they had a karmic bond, hurting each other life after life. When it came off it tried to go to me and was transformed, able to take a higher rebirth. Some are easy to deal with, others extremely difficult.

But we should never fear if we can help it. They love that. One can visualize oneself in a sphere of light to protect. Buddhists have more options, puja, smoke offering, mantra, deity generation. Eventually we get strong and naturally repel them.

Michelle: It makes one wonder how many of these conditions are more “beings” based than medical.

Jetsunma: Many more than we can imagine.

Michelle: What you just said was heartbreaking and for some reason it was also very freeing.

Jetsunma: Goes to show. We live in our own karmic stream, and our own awareness and view is the door to samsara and enlightenment both.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Message in a Banana

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

We are about to get heavy thunderstorms and lots of rain. Delightful! They should be fun. Which is good, I’ve been kinda down. Ho hum. So I asked for a sign, you know. And right on time there it is. In a banana. It may be Jesus, or blessed Mary:

But wow! As all things are impermanent I offer you this image. Too bad it is not long for this world. Well who is? I’m over ripe too, turning brown. And squishy. So how do we preserve this precious bit of fruity dogma? Eat it. Let it be one with your universe. That’s the ticket. Soon it will be brown anyway, no matter what. Oh well. I guess letting go is real. As is laughing till you fall down! Working on both now. I love to laugh, and don’t know what to do when people take themselves too seriously. Tickle? I don’t think I could do that, I’d bust out laughing.

It’s not that life is a joke, far from it. It is hard work and takes courage. But when you stop having fun and laughing you are a cooked goose and clowns will eat you. Or zombies. Now don’t go crazy like Batman’s Joker. (OMG just look at his lipstick!) Ladies, who can take advice from him! And oy, what’s with the hair? (Wash it homie!)

So once again the middle way is best. Not so puffed up, not so deflated. Have some fun! But don’t get so lost in it you forget who and what you are, and why you are here. We are here to help and to awaken. You can laugh or cry during either but never forget the suffering of all beings, or your true capacity.




Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Approach the Well of Blessings with Pure Intention

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I think it is quite difficult to have a deeply beloved family member constantly angry. First I wonder if there is a physiological reason. Then I try to look through their eyes, try to reason out why. Is it me? Is it stress? Is it dietary? Is it spiritual? Or is it just time? Sometimes people resist the time to change out of fear. Or grief. Who really wants another year gone? Kids ready to drive, I guess.

The rest of us know, and sometimes refuse to accept that change is imminent whether we like it or not. Change is scary for most folks. At any rate we make ourselves miserable by resisting change. And impermanence is the only constant. Worse, we make those around us miserable also.

When I grew up there was so much rage that I remain stained by the burn. I have avoided angry people since the last time I trusted one. It ends up badly every time. So if someone close becomes enraged I tend to hide emotionally. Not the best solution, no one learns anything. But often confrontation, even peaceful cannot help long term. The angry one must commit to puzzling out what is amiss. Exercise can help, time off can too. Reassuring the hurting one that you will help if they will help themselves. But no one can carry another’s rage. It is not helpful. No one heals.

Personally, I have a lovely house, and from experience I have learned I will never again walk on eggshells to make someone happy or at least “shut up.” I’m not good at this but I must hold my ground and boundaries. I have little experience in this. I was too weak as a child and fell too hard in love as an adult to protect myself. No more. I know now through three years of pain that I am entitled to make myself a wholesome life. I will not accept abuse from anyone again. What if it is family? Ex’s not counted – how to cope? Day by day, hour by hour, week by week I must stand my ground. I am not saying I will retaliate. Simply this: “no more.” I am a good person and I expect to be treated kindly. If I were to die today I know I have made the world better already. Given the chance I will continue. So respect me.

If anyone can say the same I do respect them. No, not the BS artist. Really better. Nevertheless, I won’t tolerate rage and disrespect any form in my home or anywhere near. Enough already. I guess I’ve finally grown up! And learned enough to take care of myself emotionally.

When and if you come to my well for pure water, do so with a clean bucket and a kind and respectful heart. Or you simply will not drink from this fountain of blessings. I don’t decide. You do, through the strength of pure intention, and as always, love.



Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

A Call to All Dharma Warriors and Spiritual People

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Dear Friends, I believe our prayers are bearing fruit. Please keep it up! It seems this nuclear catastrophe is slowing down (not going away!) – which is auspicious. Requests and offerings are being sent to Namdroling by KPC, and Pujas will be done at the great Drupchen. Many compassionate people are joining together, embracing the Earth in prayer. Thank you for this kindness!

Earth is our noble Mother, and our only home. Brother Sun, sister Moon, pray for our Mother! All Sentient beings, all with Divine nature, come together in a great roar of prayer and love as one. Let us step up and take this evolutionary step and heal our planet!


Let us join en force at 7:00 am and 7:00 pm eastern time every day together and change the world! A call to dharma warriors and people of all faiths!




Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Song to Tara

A Prayer by Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Clear Mind, Holy Mind

The arguments we have used against you

Are like dust…

Against You?

You, who flow silently… eternally

In the well of our hearts.

Have we robed you in filthy rags

Hatred… greed… ignorance?

You have remained steadfast,


Today we lift you up

To the lips and hearts of

Beings without number

And are feasted forever.

Precious mind unchanging

Clear mind eternal.

The promise we have searched for

Is enthroned within our hearts.

Clear light, holy light

Stainless, precious heart.

Here in this clear place

We are robed in sweet scent

And victorious forever.

© Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Come Together and Pray for the Earth!

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Dear Friends, I want to ask- beg, really, for all to stop the busy work and pray in whatever fashion you are familiar with. The situation in Japan is spiraling out of control. Please pray for Japan and stay informed! Pray for the Earth as well, as this will affect our planet.

It is time, without self concern or ego to join hands, join hearts, minds, and spirit and encircle the Earth with love and protection. We are spiritual beings, all we see is a hologram projected by our “mind.” If we determine we have faith it is time to use it. Without holding back, without prejudice, please join together: Christians, Jews, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan, Sufi, Shinto, indigenous. Let our differences go and join together as never before.

The ground, water, sky, wind is filling with poison. We have the power to transform this poison. Love and compassion are stronger; our very spiritual nature has the power to transform. It must be done purely and without any negativity. If you pray to God, Allah, the Buddhas, Krishna, no matter, it is love and compassion that matters. We must empower ourselves to be “divine” in whatever way we can. It is within us to create the antidote to this.

If our seas are poisoned, our blood will be. If our wind is toxic our breath will be too. If our Earth is poison all our bodies will be as well. We cannot afford to take a vacation from guardianship of this planet. No one will save us but us. It is time to awaken. This is our Mother Earth and we are her children. We cannot fail. Awaken to spirit, to love, to compassion and to responsibility. This is what it is to be human. Human children of our Mother and we must honor her.

Pray for the Earth. Pray for Japan. Pray for human kind.






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