Astrology for 6/8/2019

6/8/2019 Saturday by Jampal and Wangmo

Theme: Optimism to a fault?

For the next few days, there is much confidence, and optimism. Don’t take it too far, and be overbearing or unrealistic. Today, the potential is great to move forward towards your goals, if you are able to make some adjustments to your approach. Some people brag about standing for something so hard and so much that they do not realize that they are actually sitting.~Justin K McFarlane Beau

Astrology for 6/6/2019

6/6/2019 Thursday by Wangmo and Jampal

Theme: Overcoming Discouragement

The mystic planet of transcending the ego, Neptune, is challenging our purpose, the Sun. Most of us will struggle with discouragement and low energy for a few days. The remedy is a compassionate intention in all endeavors. Self-centered, and speculative pursuits are likely to fail. Learn from yesterday, live for today, look to tomorrow, rest this afternoon…~Charlie Brown

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