Saturday 8/24/24 by Miranda

Theme:  The Dawning of a New Era

The Moon moves into Taurus today bringing emotional stability and reflection on our values. With Pluto still in Aquarius before it returns for one last time into Capricorn on September 2nd, we are hearing 2 very Aquarian words. Freedom and future.
These herald the moving of Pluto into Aquarius on November 20th until 2043, bringing deep change to America . Simultaneously this completes on 11/20 the  Pluto return in the USA natal chart .
The American Revolution was explicitly about the fight for freedom and democracy against the tyranny of England’s monarchy and brought forth the ideals of the constitution to birth the future nation.

“ We the People of the USA in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility…… do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America.”

Friday 8/23/24 by Miranda

Theme:  A Softer Approach

The Moon is at late Aries close to Chiron which may activate old emotional wounds. An Aries moon can be volatile at times but with the Sun moving into Virgo it can soften the energy bringing the ability to analyze one’s feelings and putting service before self. Moon trine Mercury equalizes emotions and intellect so there is an ease in communications with others by listening and sharing.

“ If we cannot feel the rivers, the mountains, the air, the animals and other people from within their own perspective, the rivers will die and we will lose our chance for peace.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

Sunday 8/18/24 by Miranda

Theme:   New Ideas

Today Sun and Mercury are exactly conjunct. Ideas and discussions will be vital and lively. Speaking from personal experience you may initiate conversations that are stimulating and creative.
Uranus is still square both planets, increasing thinking outside the box and increasing the pace. The energy is so dynamic that there is a danger of accidents if you try and suppress change. Uranus is really working hard to get our attention to change, to wake up. Structures that we believe are solid are crumbling, like houses, government, borders.
It is up to us how open or resistant we wish to be.

“. All great changes are preceded by chaos.”
Rebekah Lowin

Saturday 8/17/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Mystery

A Finger of Fate ( or Yod) forms today with the base being Pluto sextile Neptune, signifying deep inner spiritual transformation. The Moon conjuncts Pluto intensifying emotional experiences.
At the apex is Mercury Sun conjunct denoting self expression.
The Yod is considered to activate a fork in the road, but the road you take is not deliberately decided. Rather an abrupt fated movement. Although seemingly unchosen, circumstances have been brewing for sometime that can bring awareness in hindsight. The initial experience may feel ungrounded.

“ Looking deeper, we could say that the cause of suffering is not being able to tolerate uncertainty and think that it’s perfectly sane to deny the fundamental groundlessness of being human.”
Pema Chodron

Friday 8/16/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Push – Pull

A T-square involving Jupiter Mars at the apex, with Venus and Saturn at the base can create inner conflict between duty and socializing or close relationships. Tension can also arise in relationships leaving you feeling isolated or withdrawn.
This is a time where frustration occurs through your efforts being blocked.
If you can take time out to meditate, letting go of inner tension could be very beneficial.

“ Mindful observation is the element which nourishes the tree of understanding.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

Sunday 8/11/34 by Miranda

Theme:  Double Whammy

The Moon moving into Scorpio may bring up passionate feelings and reactions by stirring the depths of our subconscious. This is magnified by Moon square Pluto ( ruler of Scorpio) bringing compulsive behaviors and hidden habitual tendencies to the surface.
These may arise due to a power play between you and another person. If you can confront repression, either of you or within you, with honesty, it will assist to transform the situation. Seeing the truth is imperative for real change to occur.

“ A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.”
Dalai Lama

Saturday 8/10/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Inspired or Scattered

Mercury retrograde is squaring Uranus over the next week. Expect sudden changes in your schedule. Don’t assume anything as surprises will certainly occur. You can feel positively inspired, thoughts come quickly and you can think outside of the box.
But without flexibility you can’t keep up the fast pace, becoming easily nervous and scattered. Impulsive actions can cause accidents. It is also a time to reflect on mistakes made previously and plan for future course redirection.

“ Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.”
Thomas Edison

Friday 8/9/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Gone Beyond

With the Moon in Libra today there is a sense of fairness and seeing all sides point of view. It’s a very good time for any mediation or conflict resolution and can produce harmony through diplomacy.
The Moon is also aligned with Jupiter and Mars that allows for expression of feelings with openness and sincerity. An awareness of a larger picture allows us to go beyond personal demands and gives us the potential to experience generosity of spirit and optimism.

“ To practice the process of conflict resolution, we must completely abandon the goal of getting people to do what we want.”
Marshall B.

The Moon is Void of Course today from 5.45pm until 8/10 6.34pm EDT. Do not make any big decisions during this time.

Sunday 8/4/24 by Miranda

Theme:  New Beginnings

Today’s Leo New Moon can ignite creativity and self expression. Starting a new project or idea will fill you with optimism and enthusiasm. Mars and Jupiter conjunct increases energy so you may be involved in physical activity of some kind like gardening or athletics. Just be careful not to pull a muscle as Jupiter can sometimes increase our exuberance!

“ Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, one day at a time.” AA

Saturday 8/3/24 by Miranda

Theme:  You Can’t Push the River

Creative energy gets a boost with the Moon moving into Leo, the day before the New Moon.
We are also just two days out before Mercury retrogrades on Monday which is a time for introspective or in-depth analysis. It’s easier to focus on detailed planning of future projects or matters rather than executing them. Because Mercury retrograde turns us inward, it can appear to bring delays, setbacks, obstacles in areas of communication and technology that forces us not to be so engaged in the outer world.
Being aware can ease frustration.

“ Two obstacles prevent us from obtaining Awakening, our veils ( of ignorance) and our negative acts.”  Kalu Rinpoche

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