Astrology for 10/28/2022

10/28/2022 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Calm and Balanced

The Moon harmonizes with Saturn, especially in the middle of the day. We are at peace with solitude and can balance our emotional side with our obligations. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and benefit, has moved backwards into Pisces and stays there until December 21. This augments our spiritual pursuits. Enjoy the outdoors to support an expansive mind state if possible. …a person whose mind is distracted lives between the fangs of mental afflictions. ~Shantideva

Astrology for 10/23/2022

10/23/2022 Sunday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Searching Deeply

The Sun and Venus both enter Scorpio today. Happy Birthday to all who like to live fully and somewhat secretively. Early in the day we are feeling good, but also restless.There is some tension due to 3 150 degree angles, but since Jupiter is tied in with the Sun and Venus, things will work out well. Just be aware that some small adjustments may need to happen as you go through the day. Always go too far, because that’s where you’ll find the truth. ~Albert Camus

Astrology for 10/22/2022

10/22/2022 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Disputes and Rash Action

Especially in the middle of the day we need to practice patience and compassion with ourselves and others. Besides irritability, we will have difficulty focusing our energy. The Moon remains in Virgo for the majority of the day encouraging organizing our lives and serving others. This is the last day with the Sun and Venus in Libra. We will shift our focus from relationships and beauty towards striving for deep answers and passions, when they enter Scorpio. You must first get along with yourself before you can get along with others. ~ Anthony J DAngelo

The Moon is Void of Course today from 2:19 PM until 9:25 PM EDT. Do not make any major decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 10/21/2022

10/21/2022 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Breakdown or Change

The Sun and Venus continue to square Pluto for two more days. Can we work with the powerful transformative energy, or will there be breakdowns in our processes? Mars is slowing down and will go retrograde at the end of the month, but Saturn is about go out of retrograde making restrictions more external and powerful. Remember to turn towards spiritual activities when feeling thwarted. One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one’s work is terribly important. ~ Bertrand Russell

Astrology for 10/16/2022

10/16/2022 Sunday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Emotional Override

In the first half of the day it is hard to think and communicate rationally. Accept that emotions are strong in ourselves and others, but will ease as the day moves on. The Sun exactly inconjunct Neptune today can also cloud our minds. Turn towards prayer and meditation to find clarity. We are still in some situations that need change. Can we make graceful changes without a destructive revolution? You must be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Mahatma Ghandi

Astrology for 10/15/2022

10/15/2022 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Argue then Indulge

Best to focus on patience to antidote any frustration that occurs in the first half of the day. Then the Moon enters nurturing Cancer and “squares” Jupiter, and we may overdo a good thing. For the next week Mars harmonizes with the Sun and Venus. This is a good time to work independently from others, and to achieve personal successes, yet with Venus involved we can also work well in partnership or groups. We need to strengthen such inner values as contentment, patience and tolerance, as well compassion for others. ~ H H Dalai Lama

The Moon is void of course from 12:12 am until 12:12 pm. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 10/14/2022

10/14/2022 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Talk it out

There is a nice flow of energy between the head and the heart. All forms of communication are favored. In the second half of the day we become more irritable, and should practice patience. Relationships stabilize for the next few days. Remember to turn towards prayer and meditation, particularly when feeling discouraged. Of course I talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice. ~Daffy Duck

Astrology for 10/9/2022

10/9/2022 Sunday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Tension

The full Moon happens today, which brings emotional tension to the surface. This adds on to the other challenging energies of the outer planets that continue. Our thinking and communication style continues in practical, detail-oriented Virgo but now we will think big. Be careful not to take on too much or overlook details for the next several days. Otherwise this is a good time for planning. When I get a headache, I take two asprin and keep away from children just like the bottle says. ~ Anon.

Astrology for 10/8/2022

10/8/2022 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Strong and Weak

Today the Moon enters Aries and is united with Jupiter. This leads to a positive outlook and energy to work on “big picture” projects. Yet Mars is challenged by Neptune until the end of November. This can be demoralizing. Can we let go of our ego urges enough to blend them with the spiritual? This will help our morale and energy. This is a potent time for prayer, meditation and compassionate action. We have to develop the habit of putting some spaciousness into our mind in order to accomplish spaciousness at the time of our death. ~ Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

The Moon is void of course today from 7:12 am until 11:58 am EDT. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 10/7/2022

10/7/2022 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Insight and Change

Today the Moon in Pisces harmonizes with Uranus’s sudden insights and quick changes. Meditation and prayer will be fruitful. The conflict between our attachments to what we rely on and the need for progress continues until late November. But today is doubly easier, as not just our emotions, the Moon, but also our thinking, Mercury, flows with deep change. Today we can get to the bottom of a problem that has been lingering. Insight is the capacity to “see into” a person or situation. ~ George Christopher Scruggs

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