Astrology for 12/11/2022

12/11/2022 Sunday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: From Passionate to Playful

Through the middle of the day, the Moon is in Cancer and opposed to Pluto, which brings intense emotional experiences with others. Then it enters Leo and we become more lighthearted and playful. It is then a good 2 1/2 day period for all forms of creative self-expression. Jupiter bolsters our mood, and our concern for others most of the day. Take advantage of prayer, meditation and any humanitarian opportunities. I like to be playful; I want people to look at what I do and smile. ~ Patrick Cox

The Moon is void of course today from 1:50 pm until 3:10 pm EST. Do not make any big decisions at this time.

Astrology for 12/10/2022

12/10/2022 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Smorgasbord

This is the final day of critical culminations, the Sun opposed to Mars. Temper ego reaction with patience and kindness.The yod with the apex Sun, with Moon and Uranus indicates more ego troubles, and a need for adjusting one’s purpose. The sextile with the Moon and Uranus indicates a pleasant restlessness, and desire for excitement. Finally, Venus has joined Mercury in Capricorn for a few weeks giving us a serious and ambitious focus in our relationships, and moderation in indulgences. This is my simple religion. …Your own mind, your own heart is the temple. Your philosophy is simple kindness. ~ H H the Dalai Lama

Astrology for 12/09/2022

12/09/2022 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Cautious and Ambitious

Mercury has entered Capricorn, and it will go retrograde at the end of the month. This gives us a more careful approach when thinking and communicating. We are also more ambitious to achieve our goals now. Today there is likely a conflict between our reasoning and our emotions. We may get swept away by subconscious patterns, and our feelings. The best result is to integrate the head and heart and perhaps help someone else to do so. Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m possible”! ~ Audrey Hepburn

The Moon is void of course today from 1:15 am until 2:50 am EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 12/04/2022

12/04/2022 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Grounded

Early in the morning the Moon enters Taurus for a few days bringing stability to our emotional life. This is one of the best signs for the Moon, our emotional, subconscious nature. We are grounded, comfortable and secure. This continues to be an upbeat time with a focus on religion, philosophy and long distance travel. The Pisces energy continues to be strong as well, supporting prayer, meditation and compassionate activity. …the cultivation of compassion in the heart and mind is an ongoing process. ~ Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

The Moon is void of course today from 12:47 am until 6:39 am EST. Do not make any major decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 12/03/2022

12/03/2022 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Thorough and Alone

Especially in the middle of the day, we have an easy flow from the Moon to Saturn. We will be patient, careful and thorough with what we do. At the same time we will feel more at peace with solitude than with being around others. Neptune, the planet of idealism, selflessness and illusions, moves out of retrograde at the end of the day for the next 7 months. This energy will be more powerful in the world, and generally we are entering a time of more outward accomplishment. Being alone does not mean you are lonely, and being lonely does not mean you are alone. ~ unknown

Astrology for 12/02/2022

12/02/2022 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Dreamy and Confusing

Venus and Mercury are making a hard angle to Neptune today. We can be unrealistic in our relationships, and thus disappointed. Expect communication to be confusing, if it even happens at all. Be very careful in business transactions. On the positive side, our vitality, Mars, is strengthening. Also there is an ease between our emotions and our activities, especially in the second half of the day. It’s funny. All you have to do is say something nobody understands and they’ll do practically anything you want them to. ~ J. D. Salinger

The Moon is void of course today from 9:46 pm until 11:42 pm EST. Do not make any major decisions during this time.

Astrology for 11/27/2022

11/27/2022 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Intense Emotions and Deep Insights

Especially in the middle third of the day we are focused on matters deep within our psyche. This is a very fruitful time for self-awareness. At the same time we can get swept up with an obsession. Don’t believe that current feelings are permanent. We have one more week of Mars and Saturn in easy alignment. Take on difficult tasks that require detailed work and patience during this time. Persistence is the most traveled path to success. ~Bryant McGill.

The Moon is void of course today from 3:12 pm until 5:08 pm EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 11/26/2022

11/26/2022 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Ambition and Excitement

With the Moon in Capricorn for a few days we are more ambitious, and cooler emotionally. In the second half of the day we crave excitement, but can also be surprised by events. Generally things should work out in the end. For one more week Mercury and Venus are united, bringing many benefits. Besides an appreciation of beauty, we can understand large patterns in life. This energy aids in scientific research and financial endeavors as well. Don’t be a beggar of love, be a donor of love. Beautiful people are not always good, but good people are always beautiful! ~ the Buddha

Astrology for 11/25/2022

11/25/2022 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Upbeat

We are inclined towards generosity especially in the middle of the day. We are focused on the big picture, religion and philosophy, but must not overlook key details to have a successful day. The other pitfall is becoming overbearing. Some of the tension that has been going on for months is starting to ease. Our vitality is still low, but prayer, meditation and compassionate action are favored. Whatever you do, always give 100%. Unless you’re donating blood. ~ Bill Murray

The Moon is void of course today from 2:23 pm until 4:19 pm EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 11/20/2022

11/20/2022 Sunday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Appreciation of Beauty

Venus and Mercury are tightly united today. This gives us appreciation of the arts, and unites our thinking and emotions. It also supports us in relationships and is favorable for financial endeavors. It is also an expansive and fortunate, Jupiter day. Finally, for the next two weeks Saturn and Mars flow well together. This helps us with difficult, exacting work. We have more patience and steadier energy than usual. Appreciation is the act of feeling the beauty around you. ~ Anon.

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