Astrology for 1/20/2024

1/20/2024 Saturday by Jampal

Theme: Happy Birthday Aquarians!

Mid morning today the Sun enters Aquarius. May we all enjoy the friendly, humanistic tendencies, and overcome the difficulties of getting warm and personal with others. It continues to be a deep, powerful time and Pluto is about to enter Aquarius as well. The Moon, our emotional life, is in restless, chatty Gemini for a few days. Our thinking and communication are enhanced by nice aspects to Saturn and Jupiter. We have disciplined, and expansive thought and talk.

The age of Aquarius has met our souls, We’ve come to dance earth bound to re create this world. ~Nicki rowe

The Moon is void of course from 8:58 am until 8:59 am EST. Do not make any major decisions during this time period. (Just “wait a minute”!)

Astrology for 1/19/2024

1/19/2024 Friday by Jampal

Theme: Power and Depth

The Sun is united tightly with Pluto for a few more days. This is especially powerful as they are both at the very end of Capricorn and will be at the beginning of Aquarius. At best this gives us a deep, thoughtful approach to what ever we are doing. At worst there is a malevolent energy from others or ourselves, even if it is thought that the intention is good. Machinery tends to break down at this point. There is also emotional unrest today.

If you have a choice between being kind and being right, choose being kind and you will always be right. ~H H the Dalai Lama

Astrology 1/14/2024

1/14/2024 Sunday by Jampal

Theme: Ambition

Mercury has entered Capricorn for 3 weeks, joining the Sun, Mars and Pluto. This fuels our ambition and we approach communication and thought in a careful way. This is a time to move forward with whatever we are trying to build now, especially because only one planet is retrograde. In the morning we are likely to feel isolated: either out of touch with our feelings or the feelings are too difficult to bear. This will ease off and the rest of the day offers spiritual insights.

Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition. ~Timothy Leary

Astrology for 1/12/2024

1/12/2024 Friday by Jampal

Theme: From Exciting to Spiritual

The Sun is trining Uranus for one more day indicating an opportunity for new, exciting activities. Then the Sun will sextile Neptune for several days. We will be more sensitive to the needs of others and less caught up in our egos. Our energies will be somewhat lower for big new projects, but we will do well to turn our attention to prayer, meditation and compassionate action. The Mars trine to Jupiter continues for 1 more week, giving us a Midas touch in our activities.

If we studied Bodhicitta, or the mind of compassion, every single day for the rest of our lives, we wouldn’t even scratch its surface because it is so profound. ~Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

Astrology for 1/7/2024

1/7/2024 Sunday by Jampal

Theme: Strong, Excited, but still Retrograde?

We have 3 main transits going on for several days now. We have abundant energy with Mars trine Jupiter. We are also able to see the big picture as we act, and it seems like we are lucky. We continue to be looking for the new and exciting, with good results. But communication is likely to be confused because Mercury is square Neptune. Be careful in business negotiations, we may be seeing what we want to see. Spiritual activity is favored with this transit.

In today’s rush, we all think too much, seek to much, want to much, and forget about the joy of being. ~Eckhart Tolle

The Moon is void of course today from 3:23 pm until 4:10 pm. Do not make any major decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 1/6/2024

1/6/2024 Saturday by Jampal

Theme: Discover the New

For the next several days the Sun is trine Uranus which favors the new and exciting. This is a time for new discoveries and being true to ourselves. Sciences, technology and the occult are good subjects to study now. This is not a time to relax, but also not a time to pursue a highly disciplined endeavor. The balance of the elements is off now: 5 of 10 main energies are in earth, and none are in air. We are more interested in the material, practical concerns than the intellectual, social ones.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. ~Mahatma Gandhi

Astrology for 12/31/2023

12/31/2023 Sunday by Jampal

Theme: Isolating

With the Moon opposed to Saturn for most of the day, we will feel more alone in our relationships. The challenge is to not isolate, and to not think depressively. Don’t believe everything you think today. This too shall pass. On the positive side for the next few weeks Jupiter is harmonizing with Saturn. This blends expanding our life with handling responsibilities. Take advantage of this time to make careful changes in your life, nothing big until Mercury goes direct 1/2/2024.

Isolation is the worst possible counselor. ~Miguel de Unamuno

Astrology for 12/30/2023

12/30/2023 Saturday by Jampal

Theme: Slow Down

Especially in the middle of the day the square from the Moon to Uranus indicates that we have hair trigger impulses to be independent and rebellious. This enhances the chances of miscommunication, as Mercury is retrograde for a few more days. We are ill at ease emotionally, and crave excitement. The Mars square Neptune lowers our vitality, and is psychologically depressing. The best approach is to turn towards spiritual activity.

Compassion must be nurtured every day, like a flower that could die. ~Jetsunma Akhon Norbu Lhamo

Astrology for 12/29/2023

12/29/2023 Friday by Jampal

Theme: Intellectual Energy

Mercury is conjunct Mars for one more day. This can be a powerful time for intellectual pursuits. But our ego will be stronger and we can over identify with our ideas. It is best to pick your battles: Is this really worth an argument? In the first half of the day the Moon is square Jupiter. This is generally positive: We are generous and broadminded. But arrogance, particularly concerning religion and philosophy, is a danger.

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. ~H H the Dalai Lama

Astrology for 12/24/2023

12/24/2023 Sunday by Jampal

Theme: Perspective

Now that the Sun and Mercury have separated and are in different signs, we can see things more objectively. We are ambitious and forward looking with the Sun in Capricorn. We are big picture oriented, interested especially in religion, philosophy and foreign places, with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius. The Moon is in playful, chatty Gemini for a few days. But we will have a tendency to isolate and be depressed in the morning.

Attachment constrains our vision so that we are not able to see things from a wider perspective. ~H H the Dalai Lama

The Moon is void of course from 1:41 am until 3:16 am today EST. Do not make any major decisions during this time.

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