Sunday 3/31/24 by Miranda

Theme:   Optimism

The Moon moves into Sagittarius bringing a sense of freedom. It’s easy to feel enthusiastic with this sign. You may want to hit the road for a couple of days and travel enjoying the spring break.
The Moon being trine the Sun brings a feeling of harmony within oneself, which is much needed after the last few days. Enjoy the renewal of vitality and energy once more.

“. When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”  Lao Tzu

Saturday 3/30/24 by Miranda

Theme:    Impermanence

The Moon has moved a few more degrees into Scorpio and opposes Uranus this time. It’s common to have feelings of impulsiveness with a strong desire to break out of daily routine and habits. If you give into these emotions, the outcome may be rather destructive. You may also encounter surprises that are not to your liking.
Watching your mind and not over reacting can be helpful, so that you can make changes that are long lasting and effective. Don’t give into haste.

“ Whatever has the nature of arising has the nature of ceasing.”

Friday 3/28/24 by Miranda

Theme: Quest for Freedom

Moon is exactly opposite Jupiter around noon which stimulates a drive for personal freedom. Questions may arise about your core values and aspirations in life. As we know Jupiter is in close proximity to Uranus and has been for a few weeks, so this theme is not new but now is front and center. You may be experiencing a deeper evaluation of your values. What  needs to change due to external disruptive events that are affecting everyone at this time ? The big question is: what does freedom mean to you?

“ To thine own self be true.” William Shakespeare

Sunday 3/24/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Passionate Sensitivities

Passion is intensified with a Moon/ Pluto contact, although largely beneficial it can increase obsessiveness. You may feel it on a personal level or with Pluto in Aquarius the focus may be on a world level. With the Moon opposite Neptune sensitivities will be doubly heightened and may bring confusion and misunderstanding. If you focus and direct your energy on a humanitarian or compassionate level, it will be easier to deal with this transit.

“ As long as the idea of self exists, self will experience other with either attraction or repulsion….. What if all suffering comes from the belief in self nature?”
Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Saturday 3/23/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Closeness and Separation

The main focus today is a mixed aspect. On one hand there will be a gathering of close family and friends, with women being the main focus. There is a desire for social contact and with Moon and Venus, the main downside can be extravagance or overindulgence!
On the other hand Venus and Saturn have been in tight aspect for sometime, which can bring a time of separation and sadness from loved ones. The Moon in opposition will accentuate your feelings but overall will draw you closer to friends and family.

“ What barrier is there that love cannot break?”   Mahatma Gandhi

Friday 3/22/24 by Miranda

Theme: Not Self but Service

The Moon moves into Virgo today which helps to respond analytically to experiences and emotions. That could be very helpful as Mars in opposition could trigger feelings of irritability and bring about discordant energy.
Using contemplation we can develop patience to deal with situations that could provoke impulsive behavior we could later regret!
We can also channel our energy into serving others, contributing to overcoming self doubt.

“ The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Mahatma Gandhi

3/17/2024 Sunday by Miranda

Theme:  Closeness and Nurturing

The maternal and nurturing side of our nature is predominant today as the Moon moves into Cancer and is also in positive aspect to both Venus and Saturn. Venus of course heightens the feminine aspect of the Moon and magnifies our ability to receive and give to others. Saturn stabilizes our emotions and allows us to commit to heartfelt responsibilities. Due to the Piscean influence this occurs not only on a personal level, but a global level engendering inclusive caring for many beings.

“ Our sense of joy is the kind of joy that is born of the mind of compassion, the kind of joy that appears in the mind with the commitment to benefit beings at any cost.”
Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Astrology for 3/16

3/16/2024 Saturday by Miranda

Theme: Many Drops form the Ocean

A sense of inner tension may arise due to instinctive feelings versus self identity. This can be challenging but a trine between moon and Mars can bring out more courage and confidence, allowing you to take the initiative on projects. You may even find yourself in a leadership role if the opportunity presents. Your ability to inspire others through communication is apparent.

“ Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”
Mother Theresa

3/15/2024  Friday by Miranda

Theme :  Moved to Action

Emotions and communication are front and center today with several aspects. Pluto intensifies the Moon, bringing passion and intensity to our communications. The Moon is challenged by Saturn and Venus to take a close look at our love commitments, which may be on a personal level although with Sun and Neptune conjunct the focus may be on universal love. As we view the suffering of so many we are inspired to compassionate action. The impulse to act is strong with Mars and Uranus energized.

“ Words and thoughts concerning compassionate action that are not put into practice are like beautiful flowers that are colorful but have no fragrance.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

Astrology for 3/10/2024

3/10/2024 Sunday by Jampal

Theme: The Beginning of an Action Cycle

It is still predominately a Pisces day, of prayer meditation, and selfless action or fantasy, delusion and deception. But Mercury is now in Aries and will be for over two months (because of the Mercury retrograde cycle in the first 3 weeks of April). We think and communicate with more speed and expedience now. “Just do it!” The new Moon happens early today, which enhances the benefits of starting anew.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world. ~Mahatma Gandhi

The Moon is void of course today from 3:47 pm until 8:20 pm EDT. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

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