Sunday 4/28/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Gently Delving

Sun and Moon are in a gentle aspect that brings inner peace, stability and balance. The Sun moves away from Pluto’s challenge of inner transformation that has brought some insight into what needs to be transformed. Pluto is slow moving; often what is buried within our minds takes time to emerge but occasionally we get glimpses. Pluto gives us persistence and dogged determination to never give up, while the Moon moving into Capricorn aids research by providing emotional control as we peer into our subconscious.

“  Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”  Aristotle

Saturday 4/27/24 by Miranda

Theme:  To do or not to do?

The Neptune/ Mars conjunction stimulates the ability to act on dreams and ideals and bring to fruition. There is a strong urge to transcend the physical world. The Moon squaring both planets may help your drive for action but challenges may arise that sap your energy at the same time.
Venus, Mercury and Moon all align to bring social interaction and communication to the fore, making it easier to plan action for the changes you wish to make spiritually, rather than implementing them.

“  The wave does not need to die to become water. She is already water.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

Friday  4/26/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Moving Forward

The Moon moves into Sagittarius bringing optimism and enthusiasm to our view of life. The timing couldn’t be more perfect with Mercury going direct. The next few days will be joyful, not experiencing befuddled communications and technical glitches!
Today you will more at ease with your feelings than recently, better able both to express yourself and listen to others equally. Travel may be of interest to you and now is a good time to book a summer vacation. Don’t be surprised to hear from old friends or family.

“  If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving a new one.”  Dolly Parton

Sunday 4/21/24 by Miranda

Theme:  The Grand Finale

Finally Uranus and Jupiter come to a point of conjoining. This is a time of radical breakthroughs on a personal and global level. Expect to see and experience sudden and swift changes that are overall positive. The potential is there for us all to break free from obstructive circumstances and create new beginnings. If we close down to those opportunities we may experience it as disruption and upheaval. Focus on opening our heart to our truest values and fulfilling our deepest dreams and we will discover….

“  There is nothing to fear but fear itself.”
Franklin D Roosevelt

Saturday 4/20/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Continuing on

Most of us have experienced a great deal of stress with Uranus/Jupiter building up to this conjunction. Uranus works by bringing an electric restlessness to the surface, strong desire to change our lives on a deeper level, but often we resist that call. We are left peering into the abyss longing to both fly and run home to safety. Today there is a fleeting challenge between Moon and Mars that could lead to feelings of irritability or argumentative. If we resist the urge to speak or act rashly, the day will be very pleasant and enjoyable.

“When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be.” Paul McCartney

The Moon is void of course today from 8:20 pm until 11:08 pm EST. Do not make any big decisions during this period.

Friday 4/19/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Final Days

Jupiter and Uranus have been a major focus for several weeks now but are finally in the last days of their conjunction in Taurus, culminating on Sunday. They are currently exact by degree and on the 21st by minute.
This is generally considered to be very positive at the time of conjunction. Expect to see sudden changes and improvements in your life. It’s even known as the lottery winning transit! And with the influence of Taurus it can be about money and possessions but on another level it’s about values. What are our values? What is important to us? Jupiter brings a greater wish for freedom and vision of an ideal future.
The next 2 days will be dedicated to this important transit.

“ Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.”  Henry David Thoreau

Sunday 4/14/2024 by Miranda

Theme: Heightened Sensitivity

Due to Moon and Venus’ strong connection this is usually a very pleasant transit. It’s a time of gathering with close friends particularly with the North Node involvement. Past memories will be shared and reawaken pleasurable times spent with others. Women that are important to you will be prominent in your life over the next two days. Moon in Cancer brings heightened sensitivity. Nurturing and being nurtured by others increases a sense of wellbeing.

“  The only thing that is meaningful is to make this life a vehicle by which you can come to benefit others.”
Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Saturday 4/13/2024 by Miranda

Theme:  Mental Wanderings

It is said that truth is stranger than fiction but these days fiction is seen as truth. With Moon square Neptune there is a wish to daydream or escape reality, however we define it.
Some may choose to stop working and change their environment, others may prefer using drugs or alcohol. No matter what definition we give to reality, everything arises from mind. Wherever we go, there our minds go to. So enjoy a couple of days of daydreaming and avoid destructive past-times.

“ I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering.”     Steven Wright

The Moon is Void of Course today from 10.46am until 1.45pm EST . Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Friday 4/12/2024 by Miranda

Theme:  Spiritual Expression

Moon in Gemini brings endless curiosity. It’s easy to connect with others due to the ability to verbalize emotions clearly. The focus is on one’s spiritual beliefs or path and potential feelings of empathy for others. Mars and Saturn can certainly bring about disciplined action in that arena, which will overcome any feelings of self doubt or separation from humanity.

“Bodhicitta in intention bears rich fruit
For those still wandering in samsara.”

Sunday 4/7/24 by Miranda

Venus conjoined with Moon brings enjoyment through social interaction. Your ability to give and receive is heightened, but as both planets are in Aries you have to temper impulsive energy. Being too assertive may be off putting but overall Sunday should be a very pleasant day.

“ Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”  Buddha

The Moon is void of course today from 4.27am until 7.25am EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

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