Astrology for 9/4/2024

9/4/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Connections

With the Moon moving into Libra today and conjunct Venus and the South Node there is more effort and energy in seeking harmony and rapprochement. Whatever is holding you back in relationships can be closely examined now, allowing you to move forward. Mars energy, to assert oneself, is muted as Neptunian energy in its highest form is about selflessness. This square aspect between Mars and Neptune creates tension about fulfilling ones personal needs. Transformation occurs in letting go your ‘need’ goals, while being mindful of the physical world you live within.

As soon as you look at the world through an ideology you are finished. No reality fits an ideology.. Life is beyond that. That is why people are always searching for a meaning to life.~Anthony de Mello

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 12.05pm until 12:12pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 9/3/2024

9/3/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: New beginnings

With the new moon you can draw on lunar energy for starting new endeavors. It’s an outward-looking and optimistic time. The Sun and Moon in Virgo helps with your attention to details, practical communications, attention to inner health and care of small animals. Mars is still in difficult aspect to Neptune producing a gap in your perceptions and reality. Slowing down has benefit when weighing the options. The beneficial placement of Venus in Libra helps offset difficulties.

Beware the Jubjub bird and shun the frumious Bandersnatch.~Lewis Carrol

Astrology for 9/2/2024

9/2/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Walking backwards

With many major outer planets retrograde – Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn – you can retrace your steps and work out a clearer, better path to your destination. Sometimes revisiting the past isn’t a wallow but an opportunity. Venus continues to generate beneficial connections with others, also from the past. With both the Sun and Moon in mutable Virgo you can be flexible in response to changing situations.

The dividing line between samsara and nirvana is between knowing and not knowing the self-cognizant original wakefulness. When there is knowing, it is nirvana; when not knowing, it is samsara.~Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

Astrology for 8/29/2024

8/29/2024 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Seeking harmony

With Venus moving into Libra today the focus turns to getting along with others and creating the causes for harmony. There is more appreciation of beauty and design and less of the critical approach when Venus was in Virgo. Venus is trine Pluto creating an added depth to relating. Saturn opposes the Sun creating barriers and delays in some areas. It is a good time to be disciplined.

When you are critized, accept it as an opportunity to acknowledge your hidden faults and increase your humility.~HH Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Astrology for 8/28/2024

8/28/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Home

The Moon moves into Cancer today connecting us with our lineage, our home and family in a diversity of ways. Nurturing is a major theme. Mercury turns direct by the close of the day allowing clearing up time for mis-communications and improving the chance of better, future communications. There is a better feeling of alignment today in spite of the heft of dealing with a certain heaviness in the atmosphere right now.

Meditation is about learning to recognize our basic goodness in the immediacy of the present moment, and then nurturing this recognition until it seeps into the very core of our being.~Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

Astrology for 8/27/2024

8/27/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Insights

With Venus conjunct the south node events of the past are illuminated, thus enabling you to see what keeps you comfortable but not necessarily growing. Three planets in free-wheeling Gemini assist with insights today helping make connections between seemingly unrelated moments. With the Sun and Venus in Virgo it’s a good time for communicating your intentions in more detail and loosening or re-jigging your routine.

Stillness or movement of attention are like a person sitting and moving about, Whether you move around or not, you should still recognize your own face.~Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

Astrology for 8/26/2024

8/26/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Reflective action

With a T-square between Venus, Mars and Neptune there is space to see your own true nature, or get lost in space! It’s a fine balance between action and non-action today. Your energy levels are more prone to fluctuation and relationships remain more unpredictable than usual. Your light and dark sides are also more evident. With the Moon in Gemini you are more flexible in your emotional responses, which is a good thing as it’s a changing kind of day.

In the beginning, nothing comes; In the middle, nothing stays; At the end, nothing goes. Of the mind there is no arising and extinction! Thus, one remains in the Equality of the past, present, and future.~Milarepa

Astrology for 8/22/2024

Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Rendering assistance

With the Moon conjunct the North Node today some beneficial re-setting and re-alignment regarding daily life takes place: you can also ask for help with good results. The Moon in Aries gives you more courage to deal directly with matters at hand. The Sun has entered Virgo so you can also attend fruitfully to the small but important details of life in the next month, along with personal health. It’s also a good time for functional communication.

However many pleasures I enjoy, my desire is never sated. However much I learn, it’s just words without meaning. However much I fritter away my time, I never run out of distractions. Enough! I’ve had it! I’ll cut out all this mental chatter, all these plans and hopes and fears!~Patrul Rinpoche

Astrology for 8/21/2024

8/21/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Honing your communication skills

Mercury retrograde is always a good time to improve your communication skills as, during this time, you often have to repeat what you said, or what you thought you said! However, Mercury is in good aspect to Mars and Jupiter, which means that focused communication with right, beneficial motivation produces good results. With Venus in square with Mars you continue to be challenged in your relationships.

The real buddha sits within.~Zhaozhou

Astrology for 8/20/2025

8/20/2025 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Communication challenges

With Mercury Retrograde forming a square to Uranus there are unexpected interruptions and sudden changes in communications. Cultivate patience and flexibility for even with the best will in the world, communications can go awry. The Moon conjuncts Saturn today placing hard-to-budge challenges in respect of your daily routine and health. Lilith is conjunct Venus bringing the shadow in relationships to light.

Always scrutinize your own shortcomings. Ignore the faults of others. Keep this attitude: “Whether they are pure or whether they are defiled, it is none of my business!“~Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

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