Astrology for 11/28/2024

11/28/2024 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Shadow and light

The Moon has entered the sign of Scorpio bringing deep feelings to the surface that make you want to keep your own counsel, at least until you’ve sorted through things. While the Moon remains in Scorpio it’s an intense couple of days leavened by the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius, who blithely aid us in venturing into territory others keep well away from. There is a nice aspect of Venus to the part-of-fortune bringing good fortune in connection with others today.

Gratitude doesn’t send you out shopping to find satisfaction; it comes as a gift rather than a commodity, subverting the foundation of the whole economy. That’s good medicine for land and people alike.~ Robin Wall Kimmerer

Astrology for 11/27/2024

11/27/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Taking time for reflection and planning

With the Moon Void of Course most of the day (4.14 am to 7.21pm EST USA) it’s not a day to initiate great change. Rather, seek time to take stock today and prepare for changes to come. It’s an opportune time for planning and applying effort in building relationships. With the Sun in Sagittarius it is also a time to link your ideals to the actual steps needed to achieve your ideals.

You must take sickness as the path, afflictions as the path, the bardo as the path, and delusion as the path.~ Khenpo Gangshar Wangpo

Astrology for 11/26/2024

11/26/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Inner cleansing

With the Moon conjunct Vesta today take the time to turn inwards to listen to your heart and your spiritual needs. Once you identify them you can attend to them. The Moon in Libra invite us to see both sides of the coin and weigh up all the necessary elements to make an informed decision. This is particularly important with Mercury retrograde, and the need for attention to detail. However, with the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius detail may not be uppermost in your mind.

… even if the Buddha himself was sitting in front of us right now, what could he do to our untamed and uncontrolled minds? The only thing he could do is tell us to practice.~Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

Astrology for 11/25/2024

Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Finding the right balance

With the Moon now in Libra conjunct the south node it’s helpful to review your personal situation and how you balance the different elements of your life. Libra energy reminds us to find the middle-way in the see-saw that can sometimes be life. The Sun in Sagittarius gives us more optimism in overcoming obstacles, and we’re more encouraged to explore how our belief systems limit us. In other words, the spirit of adventure Sagittarius encourages us to explore the wider world.

… you don’t need to be proud or sad to be a big butt person or a little butt person. Why be proud or sad? They are just one, the same.~ Gyaltrul Rinpoche

Astrology for 11/21/2024

11/21/2024 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Optimism

The Sun has moved into Sagittarius, the sign ruled by the beneficent Jupiter. As such, this month can bring more optimism into your life and more willingness to adventure and explore beyond your normal territory. It also brings idealism. The challenge is to ground idealism in reality. The Sun is still in good aspect to Neptune bringing insights and a feeling of being more connected to the world around you.

I am an irrepressible optimist, but I always base my optimism on solid facts.~Mahatma Ghandi

Astrology for 11/20/2024

11/20/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Finding ones dignity

The Moon has moved into Leo. The sign of Leo invites us to access healthy pride, including ones inner dignity. Mars is conjunct the Moon which can trigger volatile emotional reactions. It is the last day of Sun in Scorpio and the deep psychological diving that has accompanied its passage this past month. The opposition of Uranus opposite the Sun is lessening, but still producing, unpredictable outer events.

…recognize that everything you experience is yourself, not something or someone else. Just like your hand will cast a shadow when placed before a light, don’t be scared of the shadow, know that it is your own hand.~Erik Pema Kunzang

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST USA 6.52am until 8:51am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 11/19/2024

Astrology for 11/19/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Changing of an era

Today Pluto moves into the sign of Aquarius and will remain in that sign until 2043. Pluto’s entry into Aquarius marks a time of revolution and societal change. There will be dismantling of social systems before they reform into new systems that better serves the beings that live on this planet. The space between these two points, dismantling and transformation, will not be easy. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius there were revolutions in France and America. The Industrial revolution also occurred. This time around marks new discoveries in renewable energies and the application of technological advances for the common good, not just a few.

The innate demon is your present tendency for ignorance, your doubt and hesitation. Whatever frightful phenomena appear at that time…don’t doubt and don’t be afraid. Falling into doubt for even a moment, will cause you to wander in samsara, so gain complete stability.~Padmasambhava

Astrology for 11/18/2024

11/18/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Keeping an open mind

With Mercury, the planet of communication, opposite the mind-expansive planet of Jupiter you are both more open to new ideas and prone to putting your foot in your mouth! Don’t make irreversible decisions at this time. Spend as much time as you can getting the information you need to make good, informed decisions. The Moon is in Cancer for the next two days. Take the time to focus on home and family, and identify what nourishes you, enabling you to better nurture others.

One moment of clear mind, and I am with you.~Zen Master Seung Sahn

Astrology for 11/14/2024

11/14/2024 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Seeking stability

With the Moon in Taurus, seeking security and comfort are forefront, which is difficult right now with tension in the air (Mars opposite Pluto) and revolutionary zeal afoot (Sun opposite Uranus). What will it be in these difficult times? There are counter-balance aspects (Moon trine Venus and Sun sextile Neptune) which encourage us to love and reflect in such a way that can transform inner angst into beneficial vantage points.

Like a gardener we must cultivate good qualities. Why follow anyone with poor habits and bad qualities.~Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

Astrology for 11/13/2024

11/13/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Self-check

With the Moon conjunct Chiron today undertake an inner self-check: are there emotional wounds from your past that have been re-opened? How can you self-heal? Mars opposite Pluto is forming a T-square to Lilith, the Dark Moon and Juno (relationship awareness). The Dark Moon is the mathematical point where the Moon’s orbit is furthest from the earth, and hence where we are emotionally distant internally. Lilith highlights the battle with societal expectations about what it means to be a woman or feminine. Like the asteroid Chiron it’s a wound that needs healing as part of the universal balancing of yin and yang.

Were it not for the shadows, there would be no beauty.~Jun’ichiro Tanizaki

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