Astrology for 9/5/2023

9/5/2023 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Movement

The Moon moves into Gemini and trines Gemini’s ruling sign of Mercury, bringing fresh ideas and impetus to projects. If you are able to link into the aspects the Moon makes with the outer planets – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – you can also harness larger resources for purposes that seek to improve the well being of the collective. It’s no easy mission with Saturn square the Moon, but the rewards are great if you can stay the course.

In the company of others, guard your speech; Whenever you are alone, guard your mind.~Asvaghosa

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 12.46 pm until 4:07pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 9/4/2023

9/4/2023 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Grounding

A preponderance of planets in earth signs signifies it’s a time for actions – not procrastinating. The earth element helps ground us if we’re prepared to move forward otherwise it can feel like being stuck in the mud. There are opportunities to see the bigger picture today and have more emotional insights. Jupiter goes retrograde today until December, signaling that it’s good to take time to think and analyze your plans concerning finances, education, humanitarian efforts and travel. Jupiter retrograde still continues to benefit us – but invites us to slow down down and consider before moving ahead. It will save time later.

Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain. Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei.~Maori proverb

Astrology for 8/31/2023

8/31/2023 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Hauling it away

With Pluto the lead planet in Capricorn square the moons nodes plus Saturn in Pisces past negative actions materialize in your present life in significant ways: you can help antidote the ultimate causes through finding compassion in your heart for those in similar circumstances, not losing heart, and stabilizing your mind through meditation and other supports. Today there are lots of opportunities for replenishing yourself after the whirlwind activity of the full moon. Now it’s time to take stock and complete the tasks at hand.

Self-nature is like a puffball. You should pray to see it for what it is: poof! Just like that. You should pray with all your heart to realize the primordial, natural pure view – the Nature which is free of all concepts, all mind-chatter. That Nature miraculously survives beneath all the garbage we pile on top of it. ~Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

Astrology for 8/30/2023

8/30/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Dissolving and revolving

There is a nice harmony with the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces. They are opposite yet compliment one another. Both placements, if favorable, are geared towards ending suffering through compassionate activity. Today the full moon peaks. It’s the high water mark which means that there is more activity and heightened energy – and sometimes events can reach a critical level before tapering off. With Saturn in the mix there is a feeling of restriction before release. When the time is right the heart opens. A moonlight bath after sunset could do the trick.

The Moon is Void of Course today until 9.56am EDT USA. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 8/29/2023

8/29/2023 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Light relief

With the Moon conjunct Venus today there is a period of feeling in harmony and more connected with others. Beauty is easier to see in the world. Which is just as well as the Moon also squares Jupiter and Uranus and you will find out for sure if Loch Ness really does have a dinosaur swimming around in it. Life is big right now so it’s good to pause to integrate and process all the different planetary energies coming down the pipeline. The Moon in Aquarius gives us breathing space.

No one ever said life was fair. Just Eventful.~Carol Burnett

Astrology for 8/28/2023

8/28/2023 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Tenacity

With the Moon conjunct Pluto and trine Mars you can draw from deep within, and find fortitude, tenacity and strength. Sometimes at the most difficult times you surprise yourself, and spiritual strength is part of your resilience. Uranus goes retrograde today adding to the significant number of planets retrograde which, together are challenging on many levels, but are also a point of genuflection. The Moon moves into Aquarius today bringing friendship and innovation into the daily equation.

…doing something wrong is not human nature, doing something right is human nature.~12th Kenting Tai Situ

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST USA 7:49am until 10:32am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 8/24/2023

8/24/2023 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: A well-spring of energy

With Mars exactly trine Pluto today you can expect to have more drive and energy to accomplish difficult tasks. You will feel a bit hammered today so having some extra energy – and resilience will be helpful. The Moon moves into Sagittarius today bringing an open exploratory spirit to the day. Mercury is retrograde in Virgo highlighting attention to details as a major theme.

Other beings, human beings, animals, and all beings – are not an obstacle to our practice. They are our practice.~Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 1.10am until 4:07am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 8/23/2023

8/23/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Dynamic day

The Sun moves into the mutable earth sign of Virgo today bringing a caring, practical and incisive tone to the next month. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, and Virgos are also gifted details and communicating details. Coincidentally Mercury goes retrograde today until September 14th so you can look forward to honing your communication skills. Although with the best will in the world at this time communication can still be a challenge. Today there are a lot of aspects to the Moon with personal and transpersonal planets. Your emotions and routine get a makeover today but it’s not so bad!

Compassion is the fervent wish that all beings without exception, your worst enemy as well as your friend, find freedom from suffering.~Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche

Astrology for 8/22/2023

8/22/2023 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Making space

With Venus exactly squaring Jupiter coupled with the waxing moon this transit is peaking. This transit marks a very busy, growing and explorative time. You revisit your values and review the dynamics of your relationships with others in order to grow and expand. It’s not a straightforward process as you need to make space for these impending changes, and your plate already feels full. Mars exactly opposes Neptune today weakening boundaries and making you more prone to fatigue. It’s not the right time to act but it is the right time to reflect and examine.

Take care of yourselves and take care of those around you. Laugh, rest, enjoy silence and non-movement and be at ease within the basic nature of your own mind, that which is simply like a vast boundless sky.~Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche

Astrology for 8/21/2023

8/21/2023 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Grasping the nettle

There are lots of opposition aspects at this time, where planets, asteroids and other significant points oppose one another. This can feel like everything is coming from outside you – events not of your own making determine your course. The reality is more complex if you can see the mirroring effect whereby outer events reflect back to us an internal reality. It is very beneficial to work with calming your mind and opening your heart in these circumstances. The Moon moves into Scorpio today which provides a different kind of opportunity to grasp the nettle of difficult emotions and find resilience in difficult times.

The affairs of the world will go on forever, do not delay the practice of meditation.~Milarepa

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 4.31pm until 7:22pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

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