Astrology for 4/24/2024

4/24/2024 Wednesday

Theme: Minding the mind

With the Moon in Scorpio opposing the Uranus Jupiter conjunction expect a few emotional outburst moments as unexpected internal pressures are exposed. Remember to draw on the stabilizing force of the Sun in Taurus during this month. There is fortitude and perseverance to be had at this time. With Mars conjunct Neptune energy levels fluctuate and direct approaches in dealing with conflict may not not necessarily resolve issues.

In the vast ocean of existence, suffering ripples through every one’s journey. Realizing this universal truth, why not cultivate kindness as the luminous light that dissipates the shadows of pain?~Namgay Dawa Rinpoche

Astrology for 4/23/2024

4/23/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Deepening

The Moon moves into Scorpio today providing you with the opportunity to investigate your innermost feelings, especially the feelings that impel you to do things a particular way. It can be confronting at first to deal with the depth of feelings but embracing this depth can transform old, outmoded habits into new ways of emotionally operating. The Sun in Taurus is a good anchor amidst a sea of unceasing change.

Ignorance is the parent of fear.~Herman Melville

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA until 11:20am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 4/22/2024

4/22/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Passing phases

Jupiter has moved past Uranus but is still inspiring change. The annual march of the Sun towards Uranus has begun which is less global in its reach and more personal. Each year with this aspect you can ask yourself how flexible and responsive are you to change? The Sun in Taurus gives us the opportunity to examine our values and how we define security for ourselves. The gibbous Moon in Libra inspires more diplomacy in daily encounters and a review of where things stand.

When you can see all the caues that led to another person’s actions, forgiveness arises naturally.~Thich Nhat Hahn

Astology for 4/17/2024

4/17/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Sweet and Sour

With Venus presently in Aries relating directly with others is more helpful at this time, even though it might not always feel comfortable. With Mercury still retrograde and conjunct Chiron there is an opportunity to reflect on your communication style and find ways to heal old wounds around your communication habits. The Moon in Leo continues to invite us to play more and worry less.

The modern world as a whole, with its hectic, stimulating lifestyle, has picked up tremendous speed. But even if a train is going a million miles per hour, if you load it with the weight of all beings’ suffering, it will stop in an instant….All you have to do is get out of your head, situate yourself fully in the heart and add the suffering of others to your own.~Dzigar Kongrul

Astrology for 4/16/2024

4/16/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Pride and grace

The Moon in Leo ushers in more creativity and sense of play. Pride is a central quality of Leo – and pride has both positive and negative aspects, ranging from cultivating inner dignity and grace, to refusing to acknowledge fault, and communicating how you feel. With Jupiter still magnifying the energy of its neighbor, Uranus – it would be wise to pause and really think before acting, especially as your emotions also get magnified, with this aspect.

Understand that all thoughts, good or bad, are just like empty bubbles. They’re just the impulses in the brain. They’re not real. They’re not solid. So please, please just learn how to sit back and just observe the thoughts without any judgment, just seeing them as thoughts. That’s all they are. They’re not true, not me, and not mine.~Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

Astrology for 4/15/2024

4/15/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Evolving relationships

With the planet of relationships, Venus, nestled in closely with the north node, it’s time to rethink your way of connecting with others. You can ask yourself questions such as how can I relate to others more harmoniously, and what habits prevent me from moving forward in relationships? With so many planets remaining in Aries you have energy to move forward in your endeavors. Today you feel a little out of sorts, but nothing rest won’t heal.

A good idea is something that does not solve just one single problem, but rather can solve multiple problems at once.~Shigeru Miyamoto

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 7.22pm until 10:24pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 4/11/2024

4/11/2024 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Movement and challenges

With the Moon moving into Gemini today there is a quickening of movement and communications. Gemini energy lightens what is heavy and emotionally difficult. With Mercury retrograde however, communications are still challenging and require more effort than usual. Mars begins slowly but surely to pull away from Saturn, although restrictions and frustration will be felt for a little while longer. So all in all, hang in there.

We’re all leading lives that are different and yet the same.~Anne Frank

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 6.04am until 8:59am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 4/10/2024

4/10/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Expansion

Where there are limitations there is still room for expansion: that is the conundrum of astrological aspects at present. Working with the mind is called for. With the Moon in Taurus considerations are focused on security and values. Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun invites us to more closely examine our life purpose. A healing process is underway.

Without hope of reward, provide help to others.~Nagarajuna

Astrology for 4/9/2024

4/9/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Magnifying issues

Issues continue to be magnified with the Moon’s transit over Jupiter and Uranus. Expect some emotional turbulence as a consequence of both these planets connection to expansion and change. Mars and Saturn continue to operate as strange bed-fellows. On the one hand this aspect is ideal for harnessing energy for projects, and on the other it can bring old old karmic unsavory patterns to the surface. Knowing that everything is a result of past actions helps you understand the bigger context at this time.

You must be careful about what you eat, unless you want your body making heart valves out of things like bean dip.~Dave Barry

Astrology for 04-08-2024

04-08-2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Eclipse multiplier

Today EDT USA there will be a solar eclipse between 2-4.30pm. Every action today is magnified, virtuous and non-virtuous – so it’s a good day to focus on ethics and doing the best you can. The Sun and Moon are in the sign of Aries so impulsiveness can be magnified – but also courage and bravery. As with all eclipse times there is much activity preceding the event itself – which happened also to this astrologer who is only now resuming writing what has already passed!

You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.~Winnie the Pooh

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