Astrology for 11/13/2017

11/13/2017 Monday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Mindful communication

Be sure to put on clean socks because today could be a foot-in-mouth day. Or it could be an enlightened speech day! Surprise yourself and others. But never forget that your intentions were good. It’s also a ‘forgive yourself and others’ day. It’s easy to see faults but much harder to see hard people are trying.  Aim to be like Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends.


Astrology for 11/12/2017

11/12/2017 Sunday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Who is in the driver’s seat?

There are challenges to focus today. Beware of misunderstandings with others and ‘pie-in’the-sky’ thinking. Avoid signing contracts if possible for a few days. It’s good practice for when Mercury goes retrograde in early December! The silver-lining is that inwardly there can be a sense of well-being during these few days. As Judy Garland says” Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.


Astrology for 11/11/2017

11/11/2017 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme:  Time to clean up!

With the Moon in Virgo it’s time to focus on the details – cleaning is one aspect of living a detailed life. Good fortune shines a light this week. Once you’ve got organized then enjoy the blessings that come with a sense of alignment. Enjoy time with loved ones. You can reciprocate the love and kindness that is offered. There is opportunity for growth. As Willem Dafoe says: You can be more intuitive when you’ve got a more expansive role.


Astrology for 11/10/2017

11/10/2017 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Connecting and purpose.

A time for vibrant relationships where nurturing is reciprocated. There is an opportunity for deepening connections with others. The challenge is that life directions can pull you away from emotional connectivity with others. If feeling thwarted consider spiritual solutions. As stars, a lamp, a fault of vision, as dew drops or a bubble, a dream, a lightning flash, a cloud so one should see conditioned things. Diamond Sutra.


Astrology for 11/09/2017

11/09/2017 Thursday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Nourishing emotional needs

The challenge for today is getting your emotional needs met. The tendency will be to feed the need – quite literally. That could lead to more of you to be loved! Alternatively you could explore the emotional basis for your neediness – a harder endeavor but definitely attainable. You may be called to adjudicate between two parties .You have more strength today to deal with what comes your way. As Anthony J. D’Angelo says: ‘Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.’

Astrology for 11/08/2017

11/08/2017 Wednesday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Intense connections with others

Don’t be afraid of deepening your connections with others. One can learn from the connections you make. Forgiveness and trust are first cousins. There is an opportunity for spiritual growth through commitment to ones deepest principles. On a more mundane front – exploring physical activity that has a spiritual basis is productive. From, the Tao Te Ching: ‘What the Way is to the world, the stream is to the river and the sea.’


Astrology for 11/07/2017

11/07/2017 Tuesday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Hug a furry friend

Nurturing self and others is the theme today but don’t argue about it. Remember to go gently and softly.  A sense of expansion and inter-connectedness is possible. We are are not separate. Some of us need to understand that space by hugging a bear – not a live one! Or your dog, or momentarily your cat. Love comes in many forms. From A. A. Milne: Piglet: “How do you spell love?” Pooh: “You don’t spell it, you feel it.”

Astrology for 11/06/2017

11/06/2017 Monday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Big picture versus small picture

Mercury moves into Sagittarius today emphasizing an upbeat approach to communication. But be careful not to gloss over details. Sometimes the devil is in the details. There are opportunities for transformation in inter-personal relationships and how one sees oneself. Time alone and with others can be illuminating for very different reasons. ; ‘…joy in the happiness of others can only be attained when equanimity, loving kindness, and compassion are realized.’ Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

Astrology for 11/05/2017

11/05/2017 Sunday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Intellectual curiosity and event planning

Begin exploring different ways of doing and thinking today. That includes mental gym and body gym. Relationships of all sorts are more spontaneous and unexpected – even disruptive! Disruption helps re-set us if we allow it. Consider harnessing your natural generosity through good food gatherings which bring people together. Hopefully you have more time for this than the Road Runner escaping Wile E. Coyote!



Astrology for 11/04/2017

11/04/2017 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Emotional well-being versus sense of purpose

The question for today is how to balance emotions with purpose in the outer world. Sometimes they can be the opposite side of the same coin – one aids the other. There is a measure of resilience and strength in the air. Unconscious drivers come to the surface which you can channel well.  As Shantideva advises: ‘Wherever, and whenever and whatever you are doing, for your sake or the sake of others, implement with diligence the teachings given for that siutation.’


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