Astrology for 08/09/2018

08/09/2018 Thursday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Deep encounters of the third kind!

It may not be a day to meet aliens but your own inner feelings can be alien to you. You can expect intense encounters with others today especially those to whom you are closest. Today is an opportunity to deepen in your emotional understanding which can lead to profound realization or conflict. Deep changes continue in the world and yet there is stabilizing forces that assist at this time up until November. Everyone’s quick to blame the alien.~Aeschylus

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 7.22am EDST USA until 12.19am the next day. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 08/08/2018

08/09/2018 Wednesday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: The Universal Mother

The energy today is nurturing as a number of planets reflect the mothering principle. The highest expression of this nurturing is to develop universal love- look for opportunities in your encounters today including support for women and the environment. Are you the teacher or the student or both? Higher learning, long distance travel, and foreign cultures are important today. As is honing your religious, philosophical, and spiritual view. We are shaped by our thoughts; what we think we become.~The Buddha

Astrology for 08/07/2018

08/07/2018 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Harmonizing with others

With the planet of relationships, Venus, moving into Libra, one of its home signs, it is natural to think more strongly about how you are relating to others. While it is good at this time to work towards harmony, this week more effort is required in making committed relationships work and taking responsibility in your important connections with others. You and others may have to contend with increasing subjectivity in your perceptions. There are many paths leading to the top of Mount Fuji, but there is only one summit — love.~ Morihei Ueshiba

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 3.56 am EDST USA until 12.02am the next day. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 08/06/2018

08/06/2018 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Liveliness

With the Moon in Gemini for the next 2 days communication is more lively and people can also be more fickle. People are not so attached to their feelings which can make people insensitive. The 5 energies in Leo continue emphasizing that sense of purpose can be beneficially aligned with mental creativity, communication and courage to do things differently.One’s life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, indignation and compassion.~Simone de Beauvoir

Astrology for 08/05/2018

08/05/2018 Sunday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Glowing in the dark

With 5 energies in Leo this is your day to shine and be magnanimous. It’s also a good day to allow others to shine brightly. Apart from being opinionated Leo brings out the warmth, loyalty and generosity in people’s personalities. With the Moon in Taurus there is also energy for material offerings. It’s a day to enjoy social gatherings. The lion who breaks the enemy’s ranks
is a minor hero compared to the lion who overcomes himself

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 7.48pm EDST USA until 9.33pm. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 08/04/2018

08/04/2018 Saturday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Opinions

With the planet of communication, Mercury continuing to be retrograde in Leo people are more inclined to be stubborn and opinionated at this time. As Mercury and the Sun are close together for the next week there is increased subjectivity and restless energy. One’s goals and emotional needs are at cross-purposes today. It is always a silly thing to give advice, but to give good advice is absolutely fatal.~Oscar Wilde

Astrology for 08/03/2018

08/03/2018 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Unpredictable emotions

People will be changeable today. Expect the unexpected particularly in peoples emotional responses. Cultivate a peaceful mind in these times of conflict and remember that patience is an antidote to anger. When dealing in anger Shantideva recommends:Steep yourself … in patience, in various ways, insistently. With Venus in Virgo for a few more days use this energy for attention to detail rather than drilling down into faults.

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 10.53pm EDST USA the night before until 3.52pm. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 08/02/2018

08/02/2018 Thursday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Thinking big

Great expectations enter your mind for the next several days. If you can stay realistic much can be accomplished. If you are truly aligned with your purpose this will help. You may have insights over the next week about structural impediments that prevent you from moving forward. With the Moon in Aries for today and tomorrow there is a headstrong energy combined with initiative and drive. Think little goals and expect little achievements.Think big goals and win big success.~David Joseph Schwartz

Astrology for 08/01/2018

08/01/2018 Wednesday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Getting Creative

The Sun, our sense of purpose, is united with the asteroid of mental creativity,Pallas Athena for the next few days which means there are opportunities for growth through artistic, political or healing forms. As Rosa Parks said: I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free… so other people would be also free. There is more healing emotional energy today to support these changes particularly if you can face your own wounds around your identity.

Astrology for 07/31/2018

07/31/2018 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Continuing to deepen spiritually and in relationships

There is harmony between feelings and relationships which offsets the challenges in communication. It is also an opportunity on an inner level to deepen on your inward journey. With the energies today it is time to let go of superfluous thought patterns and focus one’s mind towards deep emotional and spiritual matters.Love is not just the intention to love, but the capacity to reduce suffering, and offer peace and happiness. The practice of love increases our forbearance, our capacity to be patient and embrace difficulties and pain.~Thich Nhat Han

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 6.43pm EDST USA until 6.56am the next day. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

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