Astrology for 6/25/2024

6/25/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Forensic skills

With Saturn continuing to trine Mercury there is a great opportunity to discipline and focus your mind on subjects pertaining to the past and family in its broadest sense. Mercury is such an adaptable planet it works productively with most planets, including the taciturn, disciplinarian Saturn. The Moon squares Uranus today adding even more unpredictability into an ever-changing landscape.

A thought in itself is not made of any concrete substance; it is simply an empty thought movement.~Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

Astrology for 6/24/2024

6/24/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Sensitivities and Carapaces

With three planets in Cancer, inner subtle and sensitive feelings are evident, along with the nurturing qualities of that placement. The sign of Cancer, represented by the crab, has a carapace that both protects these sensitive innards and indicates a strong protectiveness towards others. The sign of Cancer also promotes the imagination and memory. With the Aquarian Moon passing over Pluto today dispassionate attention to emotions enables identification of outmoded patterns.

If we can work with our pride and remain humble and open at all times, then every occasion presents an opportunity to experience and learn something new.~the Gyalwang Karmpa

Astrology for 6/20/2024

6/20/2024 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Approaching the mid-point

The Solstice is nearly upon us – bringing a reminder of seasonal change at the height of summer or winter depending on where you live and the associated rituals that accompany that. Of course if you live on the equator you’re equidistant! The Moon is nearly full, heightening emotions, and is square Saturn reminding you of the limitations you inevitably have to deal with. With the Moon in Sagittarius optimism counterbalances any Saturnian pessimism.

It doesn’t matter where you practice, so try not to be too fussy. If you are, you risk expending all your time and energy on creating, in minute detail, the right conditions for practice and leave no time at all for the practice itself.~Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

Astrology for 6/19/2024

6/19/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Apex

With the Moon close to full it’s a time for fulfilling activities and using the energy to to reach out and build connections with others. The Moon is moving into Sagittarius encouraging a more adventuresome spirit. The Sun is spending it’s final few days in Gemini so enjoy the continued pace of communication and connection. The Moon opposite Jupiter enables an expanded view of your situation.

When we have developed loving kindness, we have achieved the priceless. If you develop it in your mind-stream, you are the richest person.~Garchen Rinpoche

The Moon is Void of Course from 12:19 to 12:32pm today. Take time to reflect and conclude any projects.

Astrology for 6/18/2024

6/18/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Watchfulness and Welcomness

With the Moon conjunct Pallas Athena and going opposite Uranus today it’s time to put on your wisdom hat when dealing anything outside your experience, whether it’s technological or emotional. In other words, how you react is a litmus test on where you’re at. With Venus and Mercury holding hands (conjunct) it’s really such a helpful time for communication and reaching out to others through a heart connection.

Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me. Everyday we chant this like a mantra from morning to night. Think carefully. Really. Look inside.~Kyabgon Phakchok Rinpoche.

Astrology for 6/17/2024

6/17/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: The soft innards!

With Venus and Mercury now in the sign of Cancer expect more sensitivity and imagination, in equal measure, are on the rise. Cancer is a water sign so emotions fuel relationships and communications more than usual. Home in all it’s manifestations, and nurturing, are key themes. Cancer is the crab so the hard exterior others see can belie the inner reality. How will you break through your defensive shell? With the Moon in Scorpio it’s a kind of over-flowing day for those who can see.

One who knows does not speak; one who speaks does not know.~Lao Tzu

Astrology for 6/12/2024

6/12/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Mutability

With the Moon in Virgo today and a host of planets in Gemini, mutability is a major theme. The imagine is of water flowing around a rock, rather than meeting a situation head-on. It’s a good time for all sorts of writing and communicating. Attending to practical details and ones health is a strength of the Moon in Virgo, along with receiving nurturing through the earth. In contrast the energy of Gemini needs clean air to fully breathe – and talk!

Silence is something that comes from your heart, not from outside. It doesn’t mean not talking and not doing thing; it means that you are not disturbed inside.~Thich Nhat Hahn

Astrology for 6/11/2024

6/11/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Flexibility

With so many planets in Gemini (four to be precise) it’s a good opportunity to go with the flow and be flexible. The devil is in the detail so take care of details! Another feature of Gemini is integrating the light and dark, more hidden side of your nature. Acknowledging both parts can allow for more integration. The Moon in Leo shines a bright, more optimistic light on your activities today..

…the essence of practice is to be in a state of open presence, in unity with any feeling that may arise.~Chogyal Namkay Norbu Rinpoche

The Moon is Void of Course between 3.16pm and 1.39am the following day. Avoid starting new projects. Spend time in reflection.

Astrology for 6/10/2024

6/10/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: The heart of love

With the Sun and Venus still close together, by degree, it’s an opportunity to open the door to the heart. Opening that door enables transformation and has a flow on effect in the wider sphere of your life and also benefits others. Mars has moved into Taurus bringing a more earthy step-by-step approach to asserting and defending your territory. Taurus is ruled by Venus reminding us that if you add kindness to any equation it transforms the ‘I’ into ‘us’. The Moon is in Leo today bringing a new spark of confidence and creativity to the next couple of days.

Suffering only happens through clinging and through desire. So due to our delusion we continue to lust after our experience, and that lust continues to cause our suffering.~Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

Astrology for 6/6/2024

6/6/2024 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Dealing with limitations

With the Moon square Saturn today you have restrictions and feel more isolated. It’s a good time to work within the restrictions yet find ways to stay connected, including connecting to the environment. It’s a great time to write letters and any kind of missive. Take the time to find ways you can lighten the load you bear by transforming your view.

If our aim is enlightenment – or at least some form of spiritual growth – then anytime we are hurt, we can view it as an opportunity.~Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche

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