Astrology for 7/16/2020

7/16/2020 Thursday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Think big

With the Sun opposite the planet of good fortune, Jupiter, your horizons are expanded. The catalyst is a person or an event that opens your eyes and your heart. You can feel optimistic at this time. The spiritual dimension of this aspect is feeling interconnected with all beings, and part of a bigger whole. Today, good emotional connections occur in relationships. It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.~Ursula K. Le Guin

Astrology for 7/15/2020

7/15/2020 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Harmonious connections, mostly

If you don’t open your mouth today you’ll have a great day! Well that’s not possible, so the next best thing is mindful speech. Your emotions and purpose are aligned today. You can harness your good habits to make a difference in outcomes, and you feel more balanced. The Moon moves from Taurus to Gemini today bringing more engagement with others, changeability and a focus on communication. A good conversation is better than a good bed.~Ethiopian proverb

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 1.21 pm EDT USA until 1.19 am the next day. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 7/14/2020

7/14/2020 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Activity and insight

With so many planets in activity mode ‘doing’ is the operative word. Today there is a period of feeling emotionally separated. On the plus side you have insight into the causes of separation. Right now there is an opportunity to heal your reactive, fight and flight response, and deepen your understanding of why you react the way you do. The journey of healing and strengthening your inner warrior continues. Dance releases energy mobilized by the fight-or- flight stress response that was otherwise restrained.~Judith Lynn Hanna

Astrology for 7/11/2020

7/11/2020 Saturday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Expansive view

For the next few days there are blessings in having an open mind that, in a way, also allows you to see far horizons. It’s as if the openness lets in opportunities that might not otherwise be present. Sometimes the opportunities for expansion may feel overwhelming. When that happens let go. There is some kind of emotional provocation that produces anger today. Avoid butting heads if you can as the only outcome will be a sore head. A great wind is blowing and that gives you either imagination or a headache.~Catherine the Great

Astrology for 7/8/2020

5/8/2020 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Healing your inner warrior

Over the next few days there is capacity to integrate your inner warrior and heal that part of you that battles others, without the oxygen of wisdom. It’s a good day to make a commitment that you’ve been putting off making, and take time for inner contemplation. You are still being asked to do a lot but there are resources to deal with these challenges. Tolerance is an important virtue of bodhisattvas-it enables you to refrain from acting angrily to the harm inflicted on you by others. You could call this practice “inner disarmament”…HH Dalai Lama

Today the Moon is Void of Course until 2.13pm EDT USA. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 7/7/2020

7/7/2020 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Feeling disconnected

It’s more difficult to feel emotionally connected, and to feel a sense of accomplishment today. You may even feel thwarted. And you will definitely feel argumentative. Take the opportunity cultivate patience and understanding, or alternatively, take your arguments for a run in an open field, social distancing of course! Good friends and family are your mainstay today. It is very important to generate a good attitude, a good heart, as much as possible. From this, happiness in both the short term and the long term for both yourself and others will come.~HH Dalai Lama

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 12.37 am EDT USA until 2.13 pm the next day. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for the 7/6/2020

7/6/2020 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Thinking ahead

With the Moon in Aquarius for the next few days it’s time to innovate and think outside the box. It’s also a good time to connect with others and share ideas. With so much attention on the sign of Capricorn at present and the energy surrounding re-formatting and rebuilding society, Aquarius refocuses our attention on what community connection means. It’s a sign that encourages us to look upwards rather than downwards. A frog in a well does not know the great ocean.~Japanese proverb

Astrology for 7/2/2020

7/2/2020 Thursday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Sharing, connecting, exploring

With the Moon in the naturally optimistic sign Sagittarius, there is a belief in the ultimate goodness of people and humanity in general. It’s a good day for outdoor adventures. Other harmonious aspects today facilitate sharing, communicating and connecting with others. There are some good conditions for building long-term career prospects that lead you in a different direction than you would normally seek. To know that we know what we know, and that we do not know what we know, that is true knowledge.~Confucius

Astrology for 7/1/2020

7/1/2020 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Family ties

Connecting with family continues to be an important theme. Finding ways to new ways to communicate with them is also important. This includes healing events from the past that have impacted you and others. There is a generous spirit today, and more optimism. You have more energy to accomplish tasks, even those that seem insurmountable. Without justice there can be no love.~bell hooks

Astrology for 6/30/2020

6/30/2020 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Drawing from a deep well

With the Moon in Scorpio it’s an opportunity to draw deeply on your emotional reserves and strengthen your commitments. Avoid an ‘eye for an eye’ response to those that cause harm. Rather, take a stand to be a better person, and have compassion for those that cause others suffering. There is a beneficial constellation today that offsets the intensity of the Jupiter and Pluto conjunction bringing the forces for good into your arena. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.~ Lao Tzu

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