9/8/2015 Tuesday by Norma
An emotional outburst comes that is best resolved by an appeal to your own pride and honor: can you be gracious? Let a tired person rest and forget about the incident. Diane Halstead said, “Life is one big contradiction, and you’ll drive yourself crazy if you try to figure it out. So don’t.” Discharge a debt promptly and accept a loss cheerfully. It’s time to pay what you owe, whether you feel like it or not. Travel is on the horizon and a new way of doing things is coming. Be prepared to expand your thinking. Watch for a person who seems unusual, out of sync with the environment- this person will show the way to success. Old school thinkers won’t be happy, but they will come along in time. What’s good today? A powerful surge of excitement that opens doors, hard work, cooking and having fun.
The daily astrology post affects everyone. Notice the area of your life impacted by this message, it will be different for everybody.