8/26/2017 Saturday by Norma
Your ability to sort out details has never been better. You (and everyone) can organize, categorize and classify things and store them away using the dewey decimal system for quick referral and retrieval. High five! Put your super-intelligence to good use, and be careful to respect other people’s intelligence; they are as sharp as you. George Santayana said, “Intelligence is quickness in seeing things as they are.” Diplomacy is required to deal with conflicting ideas but you can do it. Dole out tasks and let each person be in charge of something. Group projects get into trouble: too many leaders and not enough followers. Secret negotiations are underway and things that can’t be solved openly are being worked out in back channels. Men and women are in harmony today, love is on full display and happiness is in the picture. People tell secrets right and left, ones that bring happiness.
check out: www.astrologybynorma.tumblr.com