Astrology for 8/11/2023

8/11/2023 Friday by Wangmo

Theme: Slow start

With the Moon square Neptune your vital energy is lower than usual – best to pace yourself. The Moon moves into Cancer later in the day infusing the next few days with more homey vibes and motivation for nurturing of self and others. The air element is increasing slowly giving more objectivity and discernment. It’s kind of business-as-usual with the same underlying challenges but with familiarity comes more tools to deal with the challenges.

Let go the lure The striving to unmake; Behold the truth Whenever heart may ache There is a glory In a great mistake.~Nathalia Crane. 

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 1.27pm until 6:52pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

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