6/25/2016 Saturday by Norma
Things settle down, and relaxation combines with sensitivity to make for a happy day. Stay away from rationality in planning outings, go with your intuition. (“The top of the hill is above everything, but my gut says to head for this clearing.”) Spend time with children, family and household matters today. Artists are creative, physicians and healers are doing excellent work and sensitivity abounds. Listen to music. Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “Take a music bath once or twice a week, and you will find that it is to the soul what the water bath is to the body.” Go for a swim, a sail or run under the sprinklers. Avoid discussions of politics and avoid anyone pressing extreme views. Answer pleasantly, but tell yourself what to do today.
The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message reflects your life today!