Friday 6/23/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo
Theme: Date with Destiny
A particular configuration called a Yod or Finger of Fate is formed today, with Pluto at its apex, Moon and Sun the other partners in the trio. These are uncommon and a little mysterious due to their dormant potentiality that is triggered by certain transits. In this case the apex, Pluto, echoes the definition of a Yod, which is bringing full awareness to what needs to be changed and is transformed through sometimes abrupt and fateful circumstance. This may sound ominous but is really not, as for the individual it is something that has been accumulating strength and definition for many years and when the Yod is activated, attitudes and activities are suddenly dropped and the person appears newly born.
Transformation is an ongoing process that tends to appear ordinary, when in fact something extraordinary is taking place.
~ Suzy Ross