Astrology for 6/11/2024

6/11/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Flexibility

With so many planets in Gemini (four to be precise) it’s a good opportunity to go with the flow and be flexible. The devil is in the detail so take care of details! Another feature of Gemini is integrating the light and dark, more hidden side of your nature. Acknowledging both parts can allow for more integration. The Moon in Leo shines a bright, more optimistic light on your activities today..

…the essence of practice is to be in a state of open presence, in unity with any feeling that may arise.~Chogyal Namkay Norbu Rinpoche

The Moon is Void of Course between 3.16pm and 1.39am the following day. Avoid starting new projects. Spend time in reflection.

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