Astrology for 6/10/2024

6/10/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: The heart of love

With the Sun and Venus still close together, by degree, it’s an opportunity to open the door to the heart. Opening that door enables transformation and has a flow on effect in the wider sphere of your life and also benefits others. Mars has moved into Taurus bringing a more earthy step-by-step approach to asserting and defending your territory. Taurus is ruled by Venus reminding us that if you add kindness to any equation it transforms the ‘I’ into ‘us’. The Moon is in Leo today bringing a new spark of confidence and creativity to the next couple of days.

Suffering only happens through clinging and through desire. So due to our delusion we continue to lust after our experience, and that lust continues to cause our suffering.~Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

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