5/22/2023 Monday by Wangmo & Miranda
Theme: Courage, mon brave!
Prominent Pluto energy right now reminds us to be brave in recognizing our inner demons, as Pluto slowly, inexorably draws any ‘stuckness’ into the light. You might not like what you find, but you’ll be able to move forward once these deep unhelpful habits are let go. Jupiterian energy expands your mind, giving a greater context to these habitual patterns, and Mars prompts frustration and a wish to see the enemy as outside you rather than within. This wish can be antidoted by patience and introspection. The Sun in Gemini and the new Moon in Cancer highlights communications of all kinds and finding solace in home.
Effortless compassion arises when you rest within the nature of your mind. How? When you see your own true nature, it is very blissful, great joy. Then you understand from personal experience that such sublime happiness actually exists, yet limitless sentient beings have not seen this. Who have not experienced this nature suffers greatly. ~His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche