Friday 4/21/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo
Theme: Solar Eclipse
There is a New Moon Solar Eclipse today activating energy around new beginnings and endings simultaneously. This is the 2nd New Moon in Aries, the first occurred on the spring equinox at the 1st degree of Aries and now on the very last degree. Aries denotes a new awareness of self particularly in relationship to the New Moon cycle. As it’s in the last degree it represents the karmic completion of lessons learned within that sign. Solar Eclipses always bring change and the effect can carry through up to 6 months. The changes may come through unexpected circumstances and connections as both Uranus and the North Node are also involved.
If you do not keep the protection of the armor of mindfulness and conscientiousness, the weapons of disturbing emotions will cut the aorta for attaining liberation.
~ Padmansambhava
The Moon is Void of Course today from 11.41pm until 6.11am EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.