Astrology for 3/29/2025 March 29, by Jampal Saturday by Miranda

Theme:  The Dawning –  Aries Solar Eclipse
Between 6.49am to 7.04am EST in MD, there will be a partial eclipse of the Sun at 9 degrees of Aries, bringing light in unexpected ways to those who have a natal planet around this degree in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
This effect lasts for 6 months and can illuminate areas in your life that need to change. The Aries energy gives the courage to break out of habitual patterns that have held you back. Mercury and Venus retrograde offer opportunity to revisit unresolved matters in ways of thinking and communicating, relationships and values. The North Node places emphasis on spiritual solutions, allowing delusion to dissolve and focus on what is truly meaningful.
“ May I clearly perceive all experiences to be as insubstantial as the dream- fabric of the night, and instantly awaken to perceive the pure wisdom display of every phenomena.”
Chagdud Tulku

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