Friday, 3/24/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo
Theme: Time of Great Potentiality.
Pluto is extremely slow moving and is at its most potent at zero degrees as it changes signs. Today is that day. Pluto will remain in Aquarius until 2044, for 20 years. It is the planet of transformation and works by bringing debris from the darkness of our subconscious and into the light. Whatever we have ignored or buried will surface over this time. The influence of Aquarius is Uranian; the lightening rod. Bringing sudden change, revolution, the wish to break free of all that is unjust. Not only for oneself but for humanity and this planet.
Change is never comfortable so this is a time to seek self honesty and bravely embrace the change you’ve always secretly wanted.
Awareness, Investigate, Transcend.
~Yeshe Tsogyal