Astrology for 3/14/2025

Friday by Wangmo

Theme: Total Lunar Eclipse

The Total Lunar Eclipse begins at 11:57pm ESDT USA on 13th March and is at maximum eclipse at 2.58am on the 14th of March: the entire eclipse period concludes at 6am ESDT USA on the 14th of March. If you can spend any time during this period in reflection and contemplation it will be very beneficial. Virtuous acts are magnified during this time. Likewise, negative acts are also magnified so it’s an entreaty to mindfulness, compassion and ethical behavior during this period. The Sun is also conjunct the north node, and likewise the Moon is conjunct the south node, focusing your attention on your life purpose and the path of most benefit in your development.

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.~The Buddha

The Moon is Void of Course from 1:47pm until 2:59pm ESDT USA. Undertake small tasks and avoid signing contracts or beginning new undertakings. Time resting and reflecting during this period is time well-spent.

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