2/24/2025 Monday by Wangmo
Theme: Application
With the planet of communication, Mercury conjunct Saturn, planning is important. You can attend to details and also complete tasks and projects through applying yourself. The Moon in Capricorn reinforces this emphasis on the practical and also applying logic in situations. The Moon is sextile Saturn and the timing is good for establishing new patterns and rituals. There remains a strong Piscean influence. Take the opportunity to be of genuine service to others while taking time for inner reflection.
Bodhicitta transforms disturbing emotions, suffering and fear, and sickness and death into a path to enlightenment.~Khunu Lama Rinpoche
The Moon is Void of Course from 10.28pm until 12:40am the next day. Avoid signing contracts or starting major projects. Time spent in contemplation during this period brings good results.