1/2/2015 Friday by Norma
An important message or conversation takes place today. A chatty person tells you exactly what you need to know, so listen! A surprise involving a man comes your way, and you need information! Someone with heart problems, either physical or emotional, requires attention. Offer help. A change is happening, and the old rules don’t apply anymore. Research, maps, conversation and short trips are just what is needed now. If you’ve been working so hard that you are having trouble switching modes, today will be a godsend in terms of options. William Wordsworth said, “The eye-it cannot choose but see; we cannot bid the ear be still; our bodies feel, where’er they be.” Look to your senses for information. What’s good? People who really love you, kind words, driving around, talking with others, partners, and happiness!
The astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined here will affect people differently, in different areas of life. You may experience things with your body, finances, mind, home, love, work, others, spirituality, loss, prestige, friends, etc.