12/03/2015 Thursday by Norma
A practical suggestion solves a serious problem, and hard work in the service of a predetermined goal is a winner. Pay attention to details today and sidestep those who want to debate abstractions. “What is the meaning of life?” isn’t the answer to “What would you like for lunch?” The tendency to turn
everything into a philosophical discussion should be seen for what it is now: a time waster. Pets are especially enjoyable, along with detail-oriented tasks. If you feel confused or uncertain, settle down to a job that you know how to do well, and your mind will relax. Depend on a partner to keep you energized and inspired. Alan Alda said, “Real listening is a willingness to let the other person change you.”
The daily astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see where this message impacts your life!