11/12/2015 Thursday by Norma
A pleasant conversation with a woman or child is stabilizing. Philosophy, politics, educational and legal matters are highlighted. Dealing with the courts, governmental officials, or people from other countries? You will receive the information you need, but you won’t like it much. (You must write a 400 page dissertation to graduate, or fill out a 75 page questionnaire to get your zoning.). Go ahead and do it, it has to be done. Tenzin Gyatso said, “Reason well from the beginning and then there will never be any need to look back with confusion and doubt.” An old love returns, and something you thought was lost reappears. Take surprising developments with good grace and continue to plow ahead with your work. You are finishing up a project that you’ll be proud of later.
The daily astrology post affects each person differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see
what section of your life is affected by this message!