11/23/2021 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal
Theme: Fire in the belly
With the Sun and Moon in fire signs, and Mercury joining the Sun in Sagittarius there is lots of activity and optimism for change. The element of fire dispels doubt because the element of fire signifies action in the present. Idealism is unbound. The challenge is to ground idealism in actionable items and to be able to speak in a way that unifies people. Venus in Capricorn helps with grounding and achieving pragmatic outcomes through relationships. Although my view is higher than the sky, My respect for the cause and effect of actions is as fine as grains of flour.~Padmasambhava
The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT 12.46 am and 10:59 am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.