Astrology for 1/25/2024

1/25/2024 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Illumination

The Moon forms a T-square with the Sun and Jupiter bringing insights into challenges and re-framing difficulties. Jupiter, signals expansive energy, and even when you feel overwhelmed it can provide a steadying optimism. It doesn’t mean today will go smoothly but it does mean you see the big picture more easily, which gives you more perspective on situations. The Moon in Leo also adds more brio to the day and invites you to be both brave and bold.

I believe that freedom must be accompanied by a sense of responsibility. If I can he considered famous because I have succeeded in my life goals, which were different from most other Chinese Americans, I achieved because of my unique combination : American freedom of choice, Chinese discipline in responsibility, my integrity, and willingness to work.~Jade Snow Wong

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