02/17/2018 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo
Theme: The changing structure
For a number of years Pluto, the planet of deep long-term change and Uranus of sudden, seismic change have been working at cross-purposes. In the next few weeks this ‘cross-purpose’ will finish up. In our own personal lives the impacts may have been more subtle. For instance, being forced into a change-regime you didn’t ask for. On another note, the new Moon has kicked in bringing fresh energy to tasks at hand. The themes of intuitive connections and heightened communications continues. ‘The clear, calm, stainless moonlike quality where the shackles which bind the person to becoming this and that, one thing after another, are dropped and allowed to go – this is what I call wisdom.’~The Buddha
Today the Moon is Void of Course from 5:15 pm EST USA until 7:06am the next day. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.