11/24/09 Tuesday
Fantasy and escapism come to the fore today, and the wish to slack off’ and escape beckons. This is a great day to watch movies, take a long bath, practice your musical instrument and go on a date. Spiritual practice is excellent today.
Be on the alert for confusing situations and misunderstandings. Go back and clarify any situation that is unclear.
There is a temptation to speak openly in such a way that causes hurt feelings. Apologize if you are guilty and express your feelings if you have been hurt. You could annoy a person in power without realizing it.
Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius****
Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio***
Taurus, Aries, Libra, Capricorn, Aries**
Star Legend:
- 5=Excellent
- 4= Very Good
- 3= Good
- 2=OK
- 1= Poor
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