An individual project that seems completely off the grid is right on the mark! Don’t dismiss a new idea as too wacky; it could be the answer you’ve been seeking. Conversations can lead to “aha” moments, where a breakthrough in thinking occurs. You see things differently today. Pay special attention to hunches, people who pop up out of the blue and forward thinking. All are great. It’s time to move out in a brand new direction! At the same time, a behind the scenes force is providing necessary support for an undertaking. Unseen agents may be providing the foundation for what is seen. A person or group has a powerful friend in the background, like a little kid with a very big brother nearby. Consider this as you move through the day and you won’t make mistakes. Bertrand Russell said, “The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.”
The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!