The very best way to announce that you are an ordinary deluded sentient being is to claim yourself to be Enlightened.
The best way to announce you are needy with an ego to match is to insist that you are enlightened.
The very best way to let everyone know you are truly a fool is to shout out everywhere that you are enlightened.
The very best way to warn everyone you are an egomaniac and dangerous is to claim enlightenment and that you can “give” it to others.
The #1 way to announce your ignorance of spiritual matters is to be hateful and vengeful.
The very best way to let everyone know you are not acquainted with compassion is to gossip and slander.
The best way to express good qualities and show your stuff is to shut your pie-hole and benefit beings. Make the world better.
The best way to live a decent wholesome life is to get off your butt and actually do it!
The best way to offer spiritual leadership is to walk your talk and know it isn’t about you.
The best way to bring beings to the Path is to practice it, accomplish it, be it in every area of your life.
If you meet someone who proclaims himself to be accomplished and enlightened, the best thing to do is let him be.
If you meet a teacher who makes no claim for themselves, but allows others to speak; and their life and works are sublime- call them Guru!
If that teacher promises hard work, change, method, empowerment, a lineage of purity to depend on- follow to the ends of the earth!
If you are on the path and are practicing daily and well under the guidance of a qualified Guru, please rejoice! Be happy! Each day new and better causes and conditions will appear to enhance your progress.
If you walk the Path of Dharma guided by a pure Guru you have already attained the nectar of this human rebirth.
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