Heart Advice for Degenerate Times

Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo offers a concise teaching on Kaliyuga, or the time of Degeneration predicted by the Buddhas. During this time events become more condensed, more conflicted, and non-virtue increases. Jetsunma, recognized and enthroned as a reincarnate Teacher by His Holiness Penor Rinpoche in 1988, offers practical advice on how to turn these circumstances into opportunities to practice. How to utilize not only Buddhist Practice by ordinary kindness and decency as an antidote to this trend. Jetsunma guides us on how to apply this antidote in our everyday lives, becoming a part of the solution rather than surrendering to the problems. Whether you are a Buddhist, interested in Buddhism or simply want to help make this troubled world a better place, Jetsunma offers practical wisdom to guide us.

Astrology for 7/2/2024

7/2/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Mercurial moments

The Moon is in Gemini speeding up interactions and lightening encounters with others. It’s a time for messages to be sent and received. As the Moon approaches Jupiter expect more on your plate, and an expanded understanding of the bigger picture. The Sun is approaching Venus calming ruffled feathers and highlighting the important role nurturing (of self and others) plays in our lives.

…we have difficulty remembering that we are alive in the present moment, the only moment there is for us to be alive.~Thich Nhat Hahn

Astrology for 7/1/2024

7/1/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Energized with care

Mars is conjunct the Moon in Taurus today which gives you more drive to accomplish but also can trigger outbursts. The good thing about Taurus is that it takes a lot to make this sign mad. Still, be on your guard. Mercury is trine Neptune creating a portal for insights from the unconscious. Dreams may carry more meaning than usual.

As you begin to understand the empty nature of things, your poisons will decrease.~Gyatrul Rinpoche

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