Saturday 6/8/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Opportunity

This is a time where adversity may arise emotionally but you will not be thrown by it.
You will be able to deal with whatever arises and use it to develop patience and find an inner strength through techniques you may have already learnt.
If you wish to talk with someone you’re more likely to choose a spiritual  mentor or therapist than a friend. This transit of Moon trine Saturn is a positive opportunity for us all.

“ The rhythm of my heart
is the birth and death
of all that are alive.
Thich Nhat Hanh

Friday 6/7/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Obstacles?

Saturn squares Sun and Venus today inhibiting your energy. This can be experienced as feeling inhibited, withdrawn or even becoming ill. At the very least you can feel fatigued.
Feeling restricted or under pressure at work may arise also. This transit is short lived so it’s important to keep in mind your vitality and confidence will reappear, just as the sun shines again when storm clouds have dissipated.

“ Solitude replenishes, isolation diminishes.”
Henry Cloud

The Moon is Void of Course today from 8.16am until 8.41am EDT. Do not make any big decisions during this time

Astrology for 6/6/2024

6/6/2024 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Dealing with limitations

With the Moon square Saturn today you have restrictions and feel more isolated. It’s a good time to work within the restrictions yet find ways to stay connected, including connecting to the environment. It’s a great time to write letters and any kind of missive. Take the time to find ways you can lighten the load you bear by transforming your view.

If our aim is enlightenment – or at least some form of spiritual growth – then anytime we are hurt, we can view it as an opportunity.~Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche

Astrology for 6/5/2024

6/5/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: To and Fro.

With the Moon in Gemini, joining Mercury, the Sun and Venus there are lots of points of contact today with communicating with one another, and clarifying those communications, and there are constant adjustments to changing circumstances. Elsewhere, Mars is still in Aries providing a fiery, warrior like energy to any need to defend or assert oneself. It’s a good placement for physical activity as long you you don’t push yourself beyond your limits.

Even if you’ve got eyes to see other people, you need a mirror to see yourself.~Tibetan proverb

Astrology for 4/6/2024

4/6/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Expanding the mind

With Jupiter conjunct Mercury it’s a great time to expand your view focusing on the betterment of humanity. That might seem like a big ask but Jupiter expands our view enabling us to think of others, while Mercury enables us to connect the parts in order to make the whole work. The test is not overdoing it. Also, even with the most difficult astrological aspects Jupiter and Venus are working in flow and harmony today, softening the most challenging of circumstances, and offering a silver lining.

All that we are looking for in life – all the happiness, contentment, and peace of mind – is right here in the present moment. Our very own awareness is itself fundamentally pure and good.~Mingyur Rinpoche

Astrology for 6/3/2024

6/3/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Mercury slips into the sign of Gemini bringing an increased focus on communication and activities that conveys information swiftly. The Moon in Taurus slows the pace of intense Gemini activity, asking that we proceed slowly. Attention and care of the body is emphasized. Pluto continues its retrograde course making some of us feel like it’s Groundhog day.

Our “view” is our way of understanding the world; it is based on our perceptions. Right View is a view that transcends dualistic thinking, a living insight into the reality of life.~Thich Nhat Hahn

Sunday 6/2/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Staying Calm

With Moon and Mars conjunct in Aries, unless you’re extremely disciplined it will be hard not to act impulsively or fly off the handle. Saturn is also challenging Sun and Venus raising feelings of inadequacy and separation from others. It’s best to use this time for self reflection and introspection, as being with others may amplify your aloneness.
Stay calm and willing to compromise with any disputes you may have.

“ We have established in our minds all of the clothing, the dogma, the discrimination of self as being real. These things become rigid in our minds and our minds are no longer gentle.”
Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Saturday 6/1/24 by Miranda

Theme:  The Choice is Ours

Today is the beginning of June and we are almost halfway through the year, with Summer Solstice on our heels. The Moon moves into Aries bringing a burst of energy and spontaneity, also the potential for aggression and impatience. Sun conjunct Venus increases self expression through creativity and loving kindness. Moon conjunct Neptune can amplify confusion or spiritual realization.
A Mars square Pluto is starting to form over the next couple of weeks focusing our concentrative power and urge to transform situations through decisive actions. In some cases with ruthless elimination. If you are an athlete or dedicated meditator you will find this time beneficial. But if this energy is used negatively it can have dire consequences and bring possible violence.

“ Speak with kindness for your words hold the power to heal or harm.”
Buddha Shakyamun

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