Sunday 6/30/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Slowing Down

Moon moves into Taurus bringing emotional stability and appreciation of being in nature. Inner contentment can be found in stillness or meditation.
Saturn in Pisces has just gone retrograde and also brings us back to our inner lives, sometimes by thwarting worldly plans and projects.
Know that the time isn’t right to push forward and relax into non-action.

“There is no ‘way to peace’, there is only peace.”
Mahatma Gandhi

The Moon is Void of Course today from 12.56am until 8.00am EDT. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Saturday 6/29/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Heart Talk

Today should be a sociable and festive day gathering with women that are important in your life and potential for new connections also.
The potential to heal old wounds in friendships may surface. It would be a very beneficial time to be mutually supportive and open to hearing what each has to say.

“ Listen to the wind, it talks.
Listen to the silence, it speaks.
Listen to the heart, it knows.”
Native American Proverb

Friday 6/28/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Action!

The Moon moving into Aries brings energy and action. If your health has been impacted recently you should feel vitality start to return and as the Moon pulls away from Neptune over the next couple of days you can start new projects with strength and confidence.
There is a challenge between expression of self and instinctive feelings which is easier to overcome and find your equilibrium, by not pursuing arguments or getting too impatient with the task at hand.

“ Do the best that you can, give yourself a break and don’t let yourself get away with murder.”  Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

The Moon is Void of Course today from 4.45am until 4.52am EDT. Do not make any big decisions during this time.

Astrology for 6/26/2024

6/26/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Tapping into the heart

With the Moon in Pisces there is an opportunity to be of genuine service to others, if you can tap into your heart. The sign of Pisces allows us to connect with our heart, which in turn allows us to be motivated by compassion. The downside of Pisces is if we shut down our heart and take refuge in escapism and avoiding suffering, including grief, at all costs. Saturn is in Pisces at present which creates difficulties with boundaries and structure.

When we change the way we communicate, we change society.~ Clay Shirky

Astrology for 6/25/2024

6/25/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Forensic skills

With Saturn continuing to trine Mercury there is a great opportunity to discipline and focus your mind on subjects pertaining to the past and family in its broadest sense. Mercury is such an adaptable planet it works productively with most planets, including the taciturn, disciplinarian Saturn. The Moon squares Uranus today adding even more unpredictability into an ever-changing landscape.

A thought in itself is not made of any concrete substance; it is simply an empty thought movement.~Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

Astrology for 6/24/2024

6/24/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Sensitivities and Carapaces

With three planets in Cancer, inner subtle and sensitive feelings are evident, along with the nurturing qualities of that placement. The sign of Cancer, represented by the crab, has a carapace that both protects these sensitive innards and indicates a strong protectiveness towards others. The sign of Cancer also promotes the imagination and memory. With the Aquarian Moon passing over Pluto today dispassionate attention to emotions enables identification of outmoded patterns.

If we can work with our pride and remain humble and open at all times, then every occasion presents an opportunity to experience and learn something new.~the Gyalwang Karmpa

Sunday 6/23/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Some Movement

Mercury and Venus have moved away from their challenge with Neptune improving communications and relationships, but there is still a fog around the Sun. This can definitely affect vitality. If you have caught a virus recently you should be free of it in a couple of days, although a return to usual energy levels will take a little longer.
Moon conjunct Pluto will help bring focus to our reactive emotional patterns and assist bringing change if we take responsibility.

“ It works if you work it.” Alcoholics Anonymous

The Moon is void of course today from 11:07 pm until 11:15 pm EDT. Do not make any major decisions during this time period.

Saturday 6/22/24 by Miranda

Theme:   Confusion….. Again?!

If you were confused by events yesterday, expect more of the same today. Neptune is squaring Sun, Venus and Mercury all at the same time.
Do you feel either you or your world are upside down at the moment? Hard to find things? Your keys, your words, your mind?
Know that you are not alone and then there’s the heat dome! With 3 planets in Cancer ( a water sign) you would think there might be an abundance of water falling from the skies, but the only water you will find is in taps or the ocean.
Cancer is all about nurturing, so please take care of yourself and others. Hydrate and stay out of the sun today.

“ It’s okay to be confused. Confusion is the route to all clarity in the world.”
Shah Rukh Khan

Friday 6/21/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Half full or half empty?

Do not let yourself be carried away by subconscious feelings today. The feelings themselves maybe deluded and not stable.
The Moon still in Sagittarius strives for truth as it moves closer to the full moon.
Sun has just moved into Cancer bringing a wish to pull up the drawbridge and protectively nurture those we  are close to plus ourselves.
If we are open to the higher vibration of Neptune, it can, like the mists of Avalon, clear and show us how to love universally and less on just a personal level.

“ If love is universal, no one can be left out.”
Deepak Chopra

The Moon is Void of Course today from 6.58pm until 7.08pm EDT. Do not make any big decisions during this time period 

Astrology for 6/20/2024

6/20/2024 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Approaching the mid-point

The Solstice is nearly upon us – bringing a reminder of seasonal change at the height of summer or winter depending on where you live and the associated rituals that accompany that. Of course if you live on the equator you’re equidistant! The Moon is nearly full, heightening emotions, and is square Saturn reminding you of the limitations you inevitably have to deal with. With the Moon in Sagittarius optimism counterbalances any Saturnian pessimism.

It doesn’t matter where you practice, so try not to be too fussy. If you are, you risk expending all your time and energy on creating, in minute detail, the right conditions for practice and leave no time at all for the practice itself.~Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

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