Astrology for 1/31/2020

1/31/2020 Friday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Challenges and separations

With hard angles between a number of planets today there is more friction and dissonance than usual. It is difficult to hold onto something solid and secure. If you feel a sense of separation look at ways that connect you with the larger world in which you live. Today is an important day to develop compassion for oneself and others, so try to keep your heart open. If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any moment.~Carlos Santana

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 10.10 am EST USA until 7.28 am. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 1/30/2020

1/30/2020 Thursday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Headstrong, Heartstrength!

With the Moon in Aries there is more risk taking and ‘look-before-you-leap’ emotional responses. However, Aries is also a brave sign so if courage is in short-supply you have a boost today. Innate generosity leads to positive outcomes in the world that assists the environment. It remains important to hold the line against injustice. A kingdom founded on injustice never lasts.~Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Astrology for 1/29/2020

1/29/2020 Wednesday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Mystical Relationships and Healing Action

For a couple more days, relationships can transcend ego concerns or be confusing and deceptive. Look before you leap. Our attention turns towards healing old wounds that have to do with our self-identity as well. Long-distance travel and assertion of philosophical or religious beliefs continue to be problematic, unless a selfless motivation is well cultivated. Physical vitality is also lower than usual. I new I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque. ~ Bugs Bunny

Today the Moon is Void of Course until 6:52 am EST USA. If you are in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 1/28/2020

1/28/2020 Tuesday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Transcend or Suffer

This is a very sensitive, intuitive day that can bring a new level of compassion and wisdom. Yet, ego striving will be thwarted, and anger or depression will follow. The battle between destroying norms and upholding them will continue strongly for 2 more months. For a few more weeks, close partnerships face the challenges of fear of commitment and of power struggles. Every single day in the presence of our own mind, … right there in the place of Bodhicitta, from our mouth, where the speech of comfort should come, we have offered the cup of greed. ~ Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 8:10 pm EST USA until 6:52 am, the next day. If you are in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 1/27/2020

1/27/2020 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Dreaminess

Intuition is strengthened today, and dreams provide messages. Relationships are idealized. It’s a day to complete your place in the wider universe. There is a tension between staying the course, and dealing with events that knock you off course. May I open the door of profound reality.~Bokar Rinpoche

Astrology for 1/26/2020

1/26/2020 Sunday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Idealism, Humanitarianism and Discouragement

This is a mixed time for several days. The challenging relationship between our ego drive and our need to transcend this drive can zap our energy and be very demoralizing. Deep spiritual pursuits will help greatly. The next month is a very good time to move beyond petty concerns and work for the greater good. Self-centered speculation and gambling will not pan out well. I’m an idealist without illusions. ~ John F. Kennedy

Today the Moon is Void of Course until 6:45 pm EST USA. If you are in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 1/25/2020

1/25/2020 Saturday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Breathe in the difference

With three planets in Aquarius today it’s a time to acknowledge and celebrate difference. It’s ‘Vive La Difference’ in all ways. Aquarian energy includes celebrating freedom and experimenting with different expressions. Aquarius energy catalyses around group activity. However, it’s a testing time right now to find the balance between being part of a group and discovering the truth. As Aquarian Galileo Galilei said, All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.

Astrology for 1/24/2020

1/24/2020 Friday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Emotional high tides

With the full Moon today there are heightened emotions but also constraints due to the proximity of Saturn. There will be more emotional triggers today and more subjectivity overall. However, with the Moon in Aquarius expect a certain eccentricity in the atmosphere with people going their own way in the pursuit of personal freedom of expression. Tame birds sing of freedom. Wild birds fly.~John Lennon

Astrology for 1/23/2020

1/23/2020 Thursday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Spiritual awakenings

For the next week there are opportunities for spiritual insights if you are prepared to do the practice. Relationships tend to be more idealized so be aware that at some point the scales may fall from your eyes and you will see people in a more realistic way. However, at their highest level relationships can also help provide spiritual illumination. The next few days will be increasingly emotionally intense but then hearts will open. Your inner resources are important to draw on at this time. Don’t let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.~His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Astrology for 1/22/2020

1/22/2020 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Beauty and Harmony in spite of challenges

With the meritorious planets of Venus and Jupiter close together there is a continuing gold seam of good will and harmony running through life for the next few days. Even the weather is harmonious. Emotionally there is also strength to achieve more inner alignment. Certain events continue to cause heartache. However, there is a cause for optimism. Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.~George Bernard Shaw

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 8.19 pm EST USA until 10.22 pm. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

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