Astrology for 3/12/2019

3/12/2019 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Mutability

Conditions and circumstances are continually changing right now: one minute things are this way and then they are another way! In addition communication misunderstandings create opportunities for practicing patience. Stability is found in adhering to your inner purpose, staying strong and keeping things simple. Simplicity is the final achievement. After one has played a vast quantity of notes and more notes, it is simplicity that emerges as the crowning reward of art. ~ Frederic Chopin

Astrology for 3/11/2019

3/11/2019 Monday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Calming irritability

On issues that effect us emotionally, Mars, the warrior is with us today. Don’t sweat the small things. Our purpose (the Sun) is still in the spiritual sign of Pisces for a week and a half. It is bolstered with self discipline,  patience, and a desire to get to the bottom of any issue. Optimism is also present for several days. But the danger is to ignore other’s viewpoints, and to take on too much. There is no transgression like hatred, And no fortitude like patience. Thus I should strive in various ways to meditate on patience.~Shantideva

The Path Is Love

The following is an excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo called “The Bodhisattva Ideal”

Is the Bodhisattva unafraid?   Heck no!  The Bodhisattva is afraid just like anyone else.  Why not?  Nobody wants to be challenged.  Nobody wants to have difficulty or obstacles.  Nobody wants to suffer.  The Bodhisattva is not less afraid than anyone else. But what is fear in the face of the needs of the many?  What is fear, knowing that what I might collect out of my fearfulness will ultimately lead to my unhappiness and disappointment?

I’ve been practicing the Bodhisattva Path for some time.  I am afraid of everything.  Everything frightens me.  I’m a jellyfish by nature.  But I don’t stop, because it doesn’t make any sense to stop.  Does the Bodhisattva no longer want anything or need anything?  No!  I want and need everything!  Anything you want to give me would be much appreciated!  But I do not concern myself with gathering such things.  I concern myself with the liberation and salvation of all sentient beings.  That’s what I concern myself with.

I’m not a perfect Bodhisattva, but there have been perfect Bodhisattvas. And I can tell you that with the understanding that the Bodhisattva naturally obtains through this kind of conduct: There is a natural kind of internal ease or lightness of being, a kind of quiescence that is a natural byproduct of that lack of emphasis on self-concern and increased emphasis on the well-being of all sentient beings, and the reasonableness of accumulating only those virtuous characteristics which can benefit in all future times.  There is a reasonableness about that and, as we emphasize that reasonable method, and do not emphasize ego-cherishing and ego-clinging, there is a natural lightness of being that occurs that, even while if someone punches us we will be punched and we will roll over, it isn’t so heavy because, as a Bodhisattva, although you may experience phenomenal reality in the same way that others do, there is not the suffering of suffering, which only actually occurs when one is filled with desire, just like the Buddha taught—filled with self-cherishing and ego-clinging, filled with hatred, greed and ignorance. The deep neurosis of acting inappropriately according to what you actually are, the suffering of suffering, comes from that.  It comes from acting like something that is death-oriented, that is contracted, that is separate and limited as opposed to acting as though you understood that you are that primordial wisdom nature, that ground of being, that Buddha nature, that state of innate wakefulness, that quiescent light.  That is the great Bodhicitta that is your nature.

If we could act in accordance with that, that deep neurosis that is characteristic of samsara, that suffering of suffering, could not exist in such a life.  So then, for such a one who practices in that way, all efforts become a benefit to sentient beings, no matter what they appear like.  Ultimately they will result in benefit.  This is the life of the Bodhisattva and this is the practice of the Bodhisattva, and this is what each one of us must attain to because I will tell you, no matter how good you are at sitting in the lotus position or how good you are at looking like a meditator or how many of the rules of meditation you know or how many of the books on spiritual practice you have read and can memorize, if you do not have the Bodhicitta, if you are not alive in love, you have no path.  If you do not consider others before you, you have no path, because the path is love.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


The following is an excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo called “The Bodhisattva Ideal”

As children, we are only interested in taking care of ourselves.  We are only interested in getting what we want.  Well, we don’t actually understand taking care of ourselves, because really, if we understood taking care of ourselves, we would mature.  But as children, we just delight in everything and we want everything. It’s gimme this, gimme this, gimme this. I need this new piece of equipment. I need this new piece of clothing.  I need this new gizmo. I have to have this car. And I’m just gathering all of this, you see?  As spiritually mature people, we realize through experience (and it’s experience that teaches us), that after we’ve gathered a few of these things, we still aren’t happy.  We are still neurotic.  In fact, the more we gather to please ourselves without consideration for cause and effect relationships, or without considering whether or not this is of any true value within our lives, we find that we are disappointed and disappointed and disappointed. And it continues, and the level of disappointment never ends.  Every time we try to get something for ourselves that makes us feel better without any thoughts of cause and effect relationships… It’s just the oddest thing.  It’s like we have this little, I don’t know, kind of heartbreak, with this disappointment.  Every time we try to make ourselves happy and it doesn’t work, there’s this part of us, somewhere inside that sighs, “Wow, I really thought that was going to work!  How come that didn’t work?”  And we’re confused and lost.

But as spiritually mature people we begin to learn,, in the same way adults learn, that children’s toys aren’t much fun anymore.  And the spiritually mature people will begin to understand that what we have to do now is to live a life that has more meaning than that.  We have to live a life where we can plot out and plan and understand the results.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Astrology for 3/10/2019

3/10/2019 Sunday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Softening the gaze

With the Moon in Taurus there is more emotional solidity today than yesterday. It’s good to engage with mindful body practices that also nurture and heal the body. Some inward time is beneficial, including making your home environment a place that provides support for your spiritual practices. Relaxing kinds of activities with friends that are innovative and nurturing are fun. Ignore the trolls. I have nothing to prove to you~Captain Marvel.

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 12.15 pm EST USA until 2.11 am the next day. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 3/9/2019

3/9/2019 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Helping or Escaping?

For a few more days, the mystical energy of Neptune overpowers our sense of purpose. The way to beneficially connecting with others is through kindness and service. However, escape with mind altering substances, or simply daydreaming is the self-centered alternative. With the Moon in Aries, it is a good time for physical activity. Choices between generosity and compulsiveness play out on the emotional level. Spread Love everywhere you go.  Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier~Mother Teresa

Astrology for 3/8/2019

3/8/2019 Friday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Discipline and courage

There is an opportunity to make new and productive connections with people today. There is also energy enabling you to harness your resources and apply yourself to diligently to tasks that demand extra focus. With Saturn (the planet of both structure and restrictions) moving ever closer to Pluto (the planet of transformation and life changing events) over the next few months, you can expect to be asked to step up to the plate to deal directly with some big challenges. Courage and grace are helpful qualities in these circumstances. Courage is grace under pressure.~Ernest Hemingway

Astrology for 3/7/2019

3/7/2019 Thursday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Communicating kindly

With all the energy in Pisces today, open up your heart to others. With the Moon (emotions) and Mercury (communication and thought) united, this is a time to share on a deeper level. Continue to beware of miscommunications, and be patient when practical matters don’t go smoothly. Look for potential breakthroughs in achieving your goals, due to good luck. My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.~HH the Dalai Lama.

Astrology for 03/06/2019

03/06/2019 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Expanded realities and changing dynamics

Other realities are impinging on ordinary reality today, offering you the opportunity to understand all is not what it appears to be. With Uranus moving back into the sign of Taurus strong attachment to material security and values will be challenged and transformed over the next 7 years. And there’s more! Old resistant habits can be beneficially transformed if you’re prepared to do deep inner work. Stars are phoenixes rising from their own ashes.~Carl Sagan

Astrology for 3/5/2019

3/5/2019 Tuesday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Turning inward

At 1:21pm EST, Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, starts to move backwards from the point of view of the Earth. Thus, communication and thought becomes more self-reflective. You can use this time, until 3/28, to study, reflect, pray and finish up projects. However, starting new projects will not turn out as planned, due to miscommunications. Take a deep breath, and be slow and clear, when communicating and external activities will go better. Nothing is so simple that it cannot be misunderstood.~Freeman Teague Jr

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 3.06 am EST USA until 3.12 am. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

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