Astrology for 09/06/2018

09/06/2018 Thursday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Attention to detail & self-expression

With the planet of communication and thought, Mercury, moving into the meticulous sign of Virgo there is opportunity to attend to details that one may previously have overlooked. With the Moon moving into Leo today it’s also a time for creative self-expression and play. Children are often great inspiration for developing playfulness and other qualities. Only children believe they’re capable of everything. ~Paulo Coelho

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 8.44 am EST USA until 9.55 am. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

The One Unfailing Source

From The Spiritual Path:  A Compilation of Teachings by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Every great lama has yearned with sincere intensity for the Precious Teacher. How is it that some people have that yearning and others do not? Some people seem shallow and prideful. Others seem blessed with spontaneous devotion and love. What accounts for the difference? You may not believe it, but the key is discipline. The person who holds to the goal of realizing the Guru’s mind has the discipline to renounce the perceptions of the five senses and to see only with the heart of hope. Not ordinary, dualistic hope, but hope born of trust and faith in the Root Teacher. That takes discipline.

You may think you know the nature of the Root Guru, whose job is somehow to teach you. You may think that the person sitting before you, the one you call “Teacher,” will give you great teachings. Yet you fail to realize that you must cultivate that knowledge with your own effort. You think that somehow, if you try to practice—even though you continually go through your mood swings, your battles in life, and so on—it will all work out in the end. That is a foolish assumption.

This path takes tremendous, relentless, sincere effort. But it’s not just how many prostrations you do or how many hours you put into practice. You must cultivate in yourself a profound yearning. You must think: “If these five senses, pleasantly seductive though they may be, can convince me that I am a separate human being who has a right to hate and who wants to live in such a way that I will be born in terrible places—if these five senses can lie to me so that I am tricked into planting seeds in my own mind for endless future suffering—then I must with all my heart cultivate a yearning to be free of them and to take refuge in the one unfailing source.”

What is that source? Is it a thing? A person? A substance? The one unfailing source is the Root Guru, who embodies freedom from all sensory data and from all beliefs that relate to a separate ego-self. When all considerations of self are gone—when you rely not on the false guru of your five senses, but on the absence of hatred, greed and ignorance—that is the one unfailing hope. It is not within the potential of that nature to hurt you. In the relative world, the world of duality, there is nothing but the potential to hurt you. Everything you touch, see, or feel is impermanent, seductive, and illusory. It contains all the potential for creating the causes of suffering and death. It contains the justification for hate, for saying cruel and unkind things, for being crass, gross, or stupid, for caring only about yourself.

There is only one source of unfailing refuge—the Root Guru, the true face. The Root Guru is the Dharmakaya itself. Why then must we view the flesh and blood teacher as the Root Guru, as the undefiled, unchanging nature? Through the vehicle of that Teacher, you are offered the Dharma, the unfailing method to attain realization of your true nature—the ultimate source of refuge. Thus, the Teacher must be understood as a cornucopia, a feast of all things that will bring about salvation from suffering.

There is another level of understanding. Suppose we say: “I am the same as my Root Teacher. To find that out, I only need to go on a magical journey of discovery.” No matter how we disguise it with beautiful words, the very pridefulness which causes that declaration keeps us from genuinely prostrating. It makes our hearts rigid and stiff. That pridefulness keeps us from bothering to feel deeply, from having true devotion. That pridefulness and ignorance can allow you to come into the presence of your Root Teacher and not even think of Guru Rinpoche, not even think of true nature at all. That very pridefulness is what keeps you believing in self. Actually, you believe in self as well as hope for the truth of its reality. This keeps you clinging to self as a source of refuge, believing that if you could be strong enough, or smart enough, or just discover something wonderful about yourself, it would suffice.

The antidote is to recognize, from the depth of your heart, your own nature as inseparable from the Root Guru and as the true source of refuge. Without that realization, you will always suffer. You will desperately attempt to inflate your ego, thinking that the bigger and more powerful you are, the more easily you can overcome suffering by strength alone. One day, however, you will discover that you have not understood the causes of suffering. Look around you. Look at the most beautiful people in the world. Look at the most lovable people, the strongest and smartest people, even the most virtuous. They will all experience death. There is no hope until you take sincere refuge in True Nature, until you are willing to confront your own five senses, saying: “You have lied to me again and again and again.”

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Astrology for 09/05/2018

09/05/2018 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Flying fish

A different kite planetary pattern shows up today with an emphasis on the water element highlighting emotions, compassion and spirituality. There are opportunities to enhance spiritual purpose and undertake deep cleaning and repairs to structures. I am probably in the sky flying with the fish, or maybe in the ocean swimming with the pigeons. See, my world is different…~Lil Wayne


Astrology for 09/04/2018

09/04/2018 Tuesday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Dipping and diving in the wind

The planets form a kite pattern today. There are strong elements at work today including emotional well-being. There is tension between emotional expression and commitments. Rather than succumb to negativity its a great time to plan, express creativity and look for opportunities. This is the time to take care of others and yourself and beautify your surroundings. Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country. Anais Nin

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 2.38 am EST USA until 8.05 am. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Pride: Advice From His Holiness Penor Rinpoche

It’s important to get rid of all arrogance and become humble, noble, and free of pride about your practice and accomplishments. You might have certain experiences and realizations that you would like to tell others about, but there is nothing special about such experiences, and you should keep them to yourself. One of the four maras is the devaputra mara, the demon of the divine child, which refers to pride and distraction. Whether lamas, monks, nuns, or lay practitioners, we are all deceived by pride and distraction. When good thoughts or signs appear, such as rainbows in the sky or visions of deities, we give rise to pride and attachment about them. We may also have good dreams about seeing deities and going to buddha fields, so we feel very joyful and excited, but when practicing the yidam deity and having good experiences and realization, we shouldn’t get carried away by pride, thinking, “I have such a good practice!” Since we are worldly people, of course we will have such emotions, but if we get attached to these things, we are still bound—but with golden chains. Instead, we should just keep doing our practice and rest within the nature of awareness, without holding on to these experiences. Otherwise, our practice will not improve and we won’t make any progress. Whatever good experience you have, you should develop faith and devotion; then your experience and realization will develop and your good qualities will unfold. The moment you have dualistic concepts of subject and object, that itself is the worst obscuration that blocks good qualities. Whatever thought arises, good or bad, you should be free of doubt and not hold on to it. 

Rinpoche, Penor. An Ocean of Blessings: Heart Teachings of Drubwang Penor Rinpoche (pp. 55-56). Shambhala. Kindle Edition.

Astrology for 09/03/2018

09/03/2018 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Getting a handle on things

Small talk can turn into deep discussion today about matters of the heart. This enables you to have more insight into what motivates and drives you. Conversely, there is a wish today to escape reality which can prevent you from deepening. Instead try to face your fears including addictions that lead to escapism. Effort is needed to pick up on subtle undercurrents in relationships and not respond superficially. Let there be no purpose in friendship except the deepening of the spirit. Khalil Gibran

The Stream Of Bodhicitta

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

AH – May all beings be free of suffering.
May they recognize what to accept and what to reject, and pacify the root causes of suffering.
May we joyfully and lovingly accomplish compassionate activity for the sake of all sentient beings in all realms.
May the stream of Bodhicitta flow deep, strong and sweet, to quench the thirst of all beings.
May the fruit of merit ripen in our mind streams, nourishing all who are hungry.
May all who are homeless be sheltered, who are cold be warmed, who are sick be healed.
May all who are lonely be comforted, the helpless be raised up, the poor be satisfied in every way.
May our land be purified of hate and greed.
And may a song of freedom be heard throughout this and all nations.
May we join as one life, which is our nature – and be unbound by hatred, greed and ignorance.
May there be peace and joy throughout the 3,000 myriads of universes!
And may I myself bear in love, the suffering of all. Now and in the time to come.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo. All rights reserved

Astrology for 09/02/2018

09/02/2018 Sunday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Talk fest!

With the Moon moving into Gemini there is a lively talkative energy around and people are more likely to change their minds.  Today there is a challenge to the structures of daily life bringing hidden tensions to the surface. For the next couple of months there is an easy flow between the traditional ways of doing things and innovative change – which means that productive changes can be made to old systems. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.~Helen Keller

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 1.58 am EST USA until 4.03 am. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

The Eight Auspicious Symbols

The Eight Auspicious Symbols represent the Eight Qualities of the Buddha. Here is a brief explanation of how each quality is symbolized.


Excellent Lotus Flower:

The purity of the Buddha’s mind

Taje8KhorloGolden Wheel of the Dharma

The Buddha’s unending activity of training beings in the path of liberation

Taje7Gyaltsen victory bannerGreat Victory Banner

The Buddha having conquered all negativity and limitations

Taje3BumpaInexhaustible Treasure Vase

The inconceivable blessing of the Buddha’s presence

Taje1Dug - parasolPrecious Parasol/Umbrella

The universal respect, which beings feel for the Buddha

Taje5Dungkar conchPrecious Right-turning Conch

The all-pervading call of the Buddha’s teachings

Taje2SerNya goldfishTwo Goldfish

The Buddha’s eyes and, therefore, his perfect wisdom and also a symbol of royalty

Taje6Patra KnotGlorious Knot

The tremendous love and compassion of the Buddha and the never-ending continuity of the teachings, also longevity, the eternal nature of things and the interrelatedness of wisdom and compassion

Astrology for 09/01/2018

09/01/2018 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Dissolving the known

Over the next week the Sun opposes Neptune signifying challenges to everyday rules of operation, emphasizing the importance of spiritual awareness and effort. Without a grounded spirituality emphasizing the welfare of all beings ones energy will be low and ordinary goals will be difficult to achieve. It’s a good time to seek help for addictions. Today there is capacity to be more sensitive to the needs of others, which improves relationships. If you are transforming your life into a vehicle by which sentient beings are benefited, you really can’t be concentrated on the idea that “I’m helping you,” because then the “I” will become very inflated and the “you” will become dependent. To prevent such obstacles, we must think about the inherent quality of all that lives…Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo


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