Astrology fro 10/1/2017

10/1/2017  Sunday by Norma

A friend or group proposes a idea that is logical, consistent and wrong.  Why?  It is a solution from the past and what’s needed is something for the present.  “Let’s do it the way we did in 1999” is bound to get you into trouble, this is a different time. The problem is you’re comfortable with the known and leery of the unknown, which is where you should go.

As the day progresses new ideas are outstanding and more acceptable to you. Partnership is highlighted, work projects are enjoyable, and you’re better off avoiding the news.  For now, it’s all rhetoric and no workable plans.  Do consider what you can do to move things forward. Nelson Mandela said, “One of the things I learnt when I was negotiating was that until I changed myself I could not change others.”  A short outing in the afternoon changes your perspective and opens your mind.


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