Astrology for 2/18/2016

2/18/2016 Thursday by Norma

Pay attention to a dream or hunch early in the day, you are getting good information, particularly if it involves health matters. Suddenly feel like taking vitamins or a specific cure? Go for it! Act promptly, then stop, knowing you’ve done the right thing. A last minute request must be handled, do so cheerfully. Accept gracefully if someone wants to give you a going away party, even if you’re just going to the bank or to gas up the car. Today it’s important to indulge people’s whims, to be a good sport. Charles Kingsley said, “All we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about.” Spend time thinking about home, family and food later in the day. If you feel upset, you’re hungry, eat something!

The daily astrology post affects each person differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message affects your life!

A True Path

An excerpt from a teaching called How Buddhists Think by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

In America, as in few other countries, you can find a multitude of ways to be “a spiritual person.”  When Tibetan Lamas first came to this country, they were appalled.  They were saddened to see there are so many ways to think that you are being spiritual, that you are adopting a spiritual path.  The Lamas saw this as the unfortunate, unbearable, bad karma of the American people.

Doesn’t that sound odd?  Many of us might say: “No! It’s just the opposite!  We can do anything we want, we can be spiritual in this place or that.  We can choose to be traditionally spiritual or non-traditionally spiritual.  This is the land of opportunity.”

But as the Lamas understand it, much of what is assumed to be spirituality was started less than 50 years ago.  Essentially this means we don’t know if it can produce Enlightenment.  Many Americans are diligently trying to cross the ocean of suffering in a boat that has never made it across a lake.

Even in the older religions in America, you can be confused about what goals to pursue.  Some leaders of Christan churches admit that the original teachings Jesus gave are not found in the Bible.  Many teachings have been lost, portions may have been deleted, and the true meaning may have been clouded over by layers of translations.  Many of today’s Christian practitioners have no idea that they could become immersed in a mysticism that will actually change their perception.  Very few understand that they could practice in a way that leads to Realization.

Lamas who came to this country understood that it would be difficult for Americans to be open to the Buddha’s teachings.  So many things in America seem more flashy, seem to promise a great deal more.  New Age ideas include promises of instant healing and even opportunities to talk to Masters from the Great Beyond.  But has anything like that produced Enlightenment yet?  Have we seen the signs?

Buddhist Lamas who came to America had seen miraculous signs.  For instance, both my root gurus had seen Lamas fly through the air.  A close student of one of my root gurus had seen him lift off the ground and hover for some time.  Many of the Lamas had seen the miraculous appearance of the rainbow body after a Dharma practitioner died.

Not long ago, when a Buddhist Lama died, his body was cremated in a fire so hot that his very bones turned into a crispy substance, with a texture somewhere between ashes and potato chips.  Yet his heart remained uncooked, raw!

Many Lamas, I among them, have relics of Lamas who died, relics that are “pearls” produced automatically by their bodies.  When kept in a dark, quiet place, these pearls continue to reproduce themselves.  Lamas I know have told of stupas with empowerments so strong that on one side would come a sweet nectar; on the other, a sour nectar.  The flow was continual, and would never dry up.  This has been happening for hundreds of years. There has been no explanation for it.

When a Buddhist speaks of “a True Path,” this is not meant as: “My religion is better than yours.”  It is not intended to be haughty or prideful.  Rather, we want to be on a path that has repeatedly produced results, and can be expected to do so in the future.

That is how I view the Buddha’s teachings.  They did not come from any ordinary intellectual process or experience, or from a compilation of other people’s views.  They arose from the mind of Enlightenment.

Some people call themselves “enlightened,” and when I hear this, I cease to believe them.  The Buddha simply said, “I am awake.”  He never made himself out to be a god; he never said he was different from anyone else.  He simply said, “I’ve given you the Path.  Now work out your own salvation.”

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

To download the complete teaching, click here and scroll down to How Buddhists Think

Astrology for 2/17/2016

2/17/2016 Wednesday by Norma

Happy time with friends and groups is promised today. Watch for new people who enter your life, happiness and goodwill come with them. It’s an excellent time to join up, assemble your focus group, start your own club or reach out to your friends. A happy frame of mind, combined with success in current undertakings make this a nice day. A conversation tells you everything you need to know. Woodrow Wilson said, “I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow.” Pay particular attention to scientific and mathematical matters today. Begin a new course of study,
become a student. Fun enters your life in the form of new information.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this
message affects your life!

Blinded to Our Own Nature

An excerpt from a teaching called How Buddhists Think by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo


Until we attain Enlightment, we are blinded to our own Nature, fixated on the belief in self-nature as inherently real.  We walk through an experiential field that is based on this false supposition, and all desire and compulsion arise from it.  We experience death and rebirth in an endless cycle.  We may feel relatively stable now, but soon we will die and be reborn.  You may think, “Great!  It’s an endless adventure.  It goes on and on.”  Well, here’s the problem: you don’t know where you’re going next.

When you die, you go through what we call the Bardo or intermediate state, in which you experience the content of your mind in an externalized form––almost as if flashed on a screen in front of you.  If you have much hatred and anger in your mind, you will see what looks like demons.  If you have much virtue and loving kindness in your mind, you will have what seems to you a very beautiful and seductive experience.

Hidden beneath that kind of event is the truer experience which occurs to everyone as the elements that bind us dissolve and the consciouness becomes more fluid.  What we experience at that time is our own Nature; however, if we are deluded and fixated, we won’t experience it as such.  We won’t recognize the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, though we are in their presence.

But if, in the Bardo, your mindstream is free enough to experience the vision of these Buddhas and Bodhisattvas as inseparable from your own mind, it will be overwhelming.  The intense connection will be as strong as that of a child and its mother.  You will run into the arms of Enlightenment!  If you have accomplished the causes I’ve just described, that very experience is possible in the after-death state.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

To download the complete teaching, click here and scroll down to How Buddhists Think

Astrology for 2/16/2016

2/16/2016 Tuesday by Norma

This is your last day to feel sad about a loss: mourn now if you must, tomorrow a new outlook brightens your personal horizon. If no response comes from a query, don’t worry, the other party either didn’t receive your message or is tied up and will respond in time. A chatty energy is all-pervasive: talk, walk and stay busy to avoid the jitters. A friend helps move a project forward, be appreciative and keep moving. Winston Churchill said, “We shall not flag nor fail. We shall go on to the end,” and so should you. You’ll be drawn in many directions today. See yourself as running around the bases when you’ve hit a “homer.” Do not stop until you cross home plate, no matter how many distractions come your way. You are accomplishing something.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message affects your life!

Bodhicitta in the World

The following is an excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo given at Palyul Ling Retreat 2012:

They say that I am a Dakini.  I’m not so sure but they say I am.  The Dakini has to do with the activity of the Buddhas.  And so that being the case, I feel it is my responsibility to try to bring some benefit in the activity way.  So I try to feed everybody – animals, people, and the birds outside my house.  Everybody knows that we spend a lot of money on feeding people and feeding beings.  And it is a happy thing to do.  It makes us all happy.  So many beings are fed.  And they are having what they need because of the kindness of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, and what he taught me.  The precious bodhicitta, the nectar of kindness that is inherent in the dharma.  This is what I was taught, what I learned, and its what I practice.

We have a prison program also.  We like to forget people who have done something wrong and just throw them away, but we have a program where we can go and teach prisoners some dharma, because these men will die in prison.  And they will have no way to get any kind of help or straighten themselves out for a proper or good rebirth.  They don’t know how to die well.  They have no teachings on Phowa.  It makes us sad, and so that being so said, we’re able to go out and do these things.  And it is why KPC is always broke.  We don’t have any money because we spend it on the needs of sentient beings, and I am very happy about that.  That makes it worth it to me.

In our food program there are many people who don’t know how to cook the kind of food that we provide for them, because they are poor people and they are used to cheap food.  And so we have been trying to teach them how to cook lentils, and beans, and rice and things that are very nourishing.  We try to teach them how to make protein, and how to eat well so that they feel better.  This is a totally new thing for them.  They don’t know how to be healthy, and their children don’t know how to be healthy.  Many of them eat too much sugar and too much candy and they are unwell.  And so we are teaching them.  We are involved enough in the community to teach them how to cook, how to prepare food and what food is nourishing, and what is not.  These are great pleasurable things that we do.  Not that they are so great, but they are great pleasure.  To see people become nourished.  To see people learn some dharma, whether they understand it or not.  To even understand, Om Mani Pedme Hum.  To even repeat Om Mani Pedme Hung is so much better than anything else they could receive in the ordinary world.  Very simple things like that can make the world of difference, as you know.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo All rights reserved

Astrology for 2/15/2016

2/15/2016 Monday by Norma

A brilliant idea is put forth and the sooner you act on it the better. Intelligence combines with goodwill creating an excellent environment for financial and work matters. The news generates conversation and everyone has an opinion. Invention and technology are highlighted and scientific matters are important. Hans Selye said, “The true scientist never loses the faculty of amazement.” Elsewhere, hardworking people are making progress on undercover matters, which will be publicized when they are resolved. This is an excellent day to use your mind: to read, learn, discuss new ideas and take classes. It’s also a good day to call, email, drive around and stay in touch with friends.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message affects your life!

Thinking in Full Equations

The following is an excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo called “Your Treasure is Heart”

It is very important to understand why we practice the Bodhichitta.  First, we must examine the Buddha’s four noble truths:  All sentient beings are suffering; they are suffering due to desire; there is a cessation of suffering; and the method for the cessation of suffering is presented in the eight-fold path, or as in our tradition, condensed into the path of wisdom and compassion.  So we engage in the method for those reasons.  Do you see the logic in that?  All sentient beings are suffering.  They are suffering from desire.  However, there is an end to suffering, and this is the method.   Characteristic of the Buddha’s teachings. it is logical, because in the Buddhadharma we’re not asked to do anything on blind faith.  We’re asked to think it through. Once it seems reasonable, logical and true to us, then we are able to practice because that kind of logical activity is appealing. It seems realistic, and it makes sense to us.

So then the next thing we have to do is examine the thoughts that turn the mind toward Dharma. These thoughts that turn the mind toward Dharma are contemplations. They are interesting, thought-provoking, profound and deep sets of concepts and ideas, that help us to examine the six realms of cyclic existence and all their faults.  It is extremely important that we examine them closely so that we can see that cyclic existence is a bit like a drug. We can therefore feel for ourselves how narcotic cyclic existence actually is.  We begin to understand that cause and effect is absolutely true in every way within our lives.  Literally every experience that we have, or have ever had, has been brought about by a cause that we ourselves created.

Actually, cause and effect relationships arise interdependently.  They arise, not separately, but as one. Arising interdependently means that if we have created a cause, then just as surely as anything can be sure, we will live through the effect.  Trust me on this.  The effect can be modified. It can be delayed. It can be subdued. It can be dealt with effectively through certain kinds of practice, but we will still realize the effect of any cause that we have produced.  If you really examine that particular teaching you will learn that virtuous activity, for instance, brings about happiness and good results. Non-virtuous activity, no matter how it looks at first, always brings about unhappiness and suffering.  For example, if you stole a car, at first you might have a great time riding around in it, but eventually that event would ruin your life. If not this life, then surely in the future, it would bring about suffering and unhappiness for you, but you wouldn’t know that. Unless you have the training that cause and effect relationships are actually related, you won’t make the connection

Another thing that we learn on the Buddhist path by practicing this is the great skill of thinking in full equations.  Do you know that most of the suffering in our life is because we cannot think in full equations?  We think like chickens, “Over here this is happening, I’ll do this.  Over there that is happening, I’ll do that.”  It’s as disconnected as “whatever” to us.  We just don’t get it.  But the Buddhadharma teaches us to think in full equations.

So now we’re thinking in full equations and we’re turning our minds toward Dharma. This is a necessary step because we have to realize cause and effect relationships in order to really give rise to the Bodhichitta.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Astrology for 2/14/2016

2/14/2016 Sunday by Norma

The Taurus moon loves food, beauty and comfort so make sure all three are present today! Invite people to help in everything you do and the result will surprise you. Work is fun right now, and your job is to think of interesting jobs for yourself and others. Nora Watson said, “Most of us have jobs that are too small for our spirits. Our real imaginations have not been challenged.” Groups are fun, a secret is revealed and scientific or mathematical matters are interesting. Do, however, keep your eyes open: look both ways before crossing the street, report suspicious behavior and don’t be oblivious to things hiding in dark places. You are safe, but you must be observant today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message affects your life!

You Can Be Exactly Who You Are

The following is an excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo called “Your Treasure is Heart”

As westerners, we want to make Bodhichitta about feeling: “Feelings, nothing more than feelings…” You know that song?  I wish they’d never written it, because somehow it’s gotten into our consciousness as Americans. We’re singing this tune and believing it, hook, line and sinker.

Here’s a magic golden key: Once we realize that giving rise to the Bodhicitta is not about a feeling,we can be more tolerant with ourselves, more comfortable on the path. We can still consider ourselves practitioners of the Bodhichitta if we’re in a bad mood.  Do Bodhisattvas ever get PMS?  Yes, they do. I can tell you that for a fact.  Do Bodhisattvas ever wake up feeling like they got off on the wrong side of the bed and they are not going to be happy? And they are determined not to be happy?  Yes, they do.  Do Bodhisattvas ever get sick to death of everything?  Yes, they do.  Do Bodhisattvas ever wish that everybody in samsara were o.k. and they could just ride off into the sunset and do exactly what they want?  Oh Lordy, yes they do!  Bodhisattvas feel all of those ways, but they have that practice, that knowledge and that determination.

Once you let go of the idea that compassion is about a certain feeling or appearance or some ridiculous verbiage about love and light, then maybe you can be comfortable on your path.  Maybe you can still be a Bodhisattva when you have PMS—because you don’t get time off for that I’m afraid to tell you.  Sentient beings are still suffering, whether you have PMS or not.  So you become a mature practitioner.  Human frailties are human frailties and we all have them.  We’re walking around in human bodies with arms and legs and we feel the way we feel.  But what has that got to do with the needs of sentient beings?  Our determination, therefore, through really studying and practicing in this way (link to yesterday’s teaching), should remain firm and strong.

I have my really bad moments. Yet I have to say that every time I have a bad moment when I just don’t feel like it, I learn to respect and understand the condition of sentient beings.  If you didn’t have those feelings once in a while, you wouldn’t even know what you were up against, would you?  It’s almost like that’s part of who you are.  So be comfortable with that and don’t let it influence how you engage on the path.  If anything, let it make you even more determined.  It’s o.k. to be exactly who you are and be a Bodhisattva.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

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